Chapter 3

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WORDS: 2108

George's POV

After that phone call he got from John, he got up out of bed and got dressed. Pattie had woke up a few minutes after George did.

"Where ye going?"

"To John's. He called and wants me to go over there. I'm making sure he's alright."

"Okay. Have fun."


George left the house and once he got to John's, he walked up the door and knocked on it.

No answer.

The second time he knocked, the door creaked open a little. George slowly pushed the door open. Once inside, the lights were out and John was no where to be found.

He started looking around and found the knife that John was supposedly holding when on the phone with him. It was on the floor next to the staircase and he picked it up and looked at it.

Then, he set it on the coffee table and picked up the phone to call Paul. It kept ringing. No answer. He tried again. Still no answer.

Now, he decided to call Ringo. At lease he answered.

"Who's calling?"


"George who?"


"Harrison who?"

"Ringo! Its George Harrison! Yer band mate."

"I'm in a band?"


"I'm kidding. Ey Geo. What can I do for ye?"

"I think something bad happened to Johnny."

"What gives ye that idea?"

"John called me. I have to admit, he sounded a little scared. He said someone was in his house. I got here, and he's no where to be found."

"So, ye think........"

"I hope not. I don't want to think of it."

"So, what are ye going to do?"

"Not sure. There hasn't been a struggle here, just a knife that John was holding."

"Wait, he was holding a knife?"

"Yeh. As I said, he sounded a tad bit scared when he was on the phone and told me that he had a knife."

"Should I come over?"

"Yeh. Oh, and the door was opened when I came here. That's another bad sign."

"Okay. I'll be there shortly. Hang tight Geo."

"That's all I can do right now."

George hung up the phone and looked upstairs. Then, he headed up slowly and causiously as he made it to the top. He saw John's bedroom, and he knew his bed wasn't slept in. He looked in there for a bit, hoping not to discover anything he couldn't handle.

He opened John's closet. Nothing in there he should be suspicious for. He walked into Julian's bedroom and also looked around in there. He still didn't find anything. It was as if he disappeared out of thin air.

"Geo?" George heard his name being called and walked up to the top of the stairs.

"Up here Rings."

Ringo looked at the top of the stairs. "Find anything interesting?"

"No. Can't nesessarily report it to the police for at least 24 hours. So, its up to us to look for John until we can report it."

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