Chapter 41

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"Well, I do appreciate what Paul has done. He's a great friend. Good friends are rare to find." John slowly sat up.

"Ye got three great friends who care about ye."

"I know."

"Think ye wanna get out of this boring room and join the others?"

John snickered. "Boring? I think its an interesting room."

"Do ye? Ye look bored in here."

"Well, I did try to get to sleep. I'm still tired but I can't sleep when the sun is still shining."

"Want to try again?"

"Yep. But, I probably won't succeed."

"Why don't ye lay down and try."

"Alright." He said as he laid back down.

"Want me to stay with ye until ye get to sleep?"

He didn't answer.


No answer.

"John?" She looked over at him, and he was asleep already.

"That figures."

Cynthia left the room and walked back to the others. "Before ye ask, he's fine."

"That's good to hear. It sounded like ye had a nice conversation though." Paul stated as he chowed down on his food.

"Did ye hear anything that was said?"

"Nope. Just heard talking."

"He fell asleep in the middle of our conversation. He seemed fine, but then again, he would hide how he really feels."

"Tell me about it. I tell ye, I don't know how we put up with him after all these years."

"Well, it wasn't easy."

"Why is it we always talk about John when he's napping? Why not do it when he's in the room? Its always fun to do it in front of him." Paul said.

Paul's phone rang and he stopped eating and looked at the phone for a few seconds before deciding to get up and answer it.

"Speak. Yeh he's here. No, ye can't talk to him. He's taking a kip at the moment. Can I take a message? No, I don't know when he'll be awake. He's pretty knackered. Can ye give me a name so he knows who called? Okay. Thanks. I'll let him know."

Paul hung up and gave a confused look as he turned around.

"Who was that?" Linda asked, staring over at Paul.

"He wouldn't give a name. He just said he was a friend. That voice though. It sounded so familiar, but I can't place the face or the name."

"So, ye might know him is what yer saying?"

"I'm not sure. It just sounds so familiar." Paul walked back over to the table and sat down. He started thinking back. Then, he realized and his eyes went wide.

"No." Was all he said.


Paul didn't answer. He stood up and jogged over to the bedroom John was in and walked in.

"John, wake up." He said as he shook John's shoulder.

"What do ye want?"

"Got trouble."

John never opened his eyes as he continued to speak: "What are ye talking about?" His voice was muffled as it was buried in a pillow.

"You just recieved a phone call from someone claiming to be a friend of yers."

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