Chapter 39

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The train stopped at Manchester. The four of them got out and looked around. Then, John lead them out of the subway and looked around. He recognized it.

"Looks like we're in Manchester. We're gonna catch another train so we don't get bumbarded by any more fans." He said walking back down the steps to the others, who kept their distance.

They walked back and there was another train, going the way they came from. They each boarded again. "Hopefully, this one will take us back home. Now, we have to think of ways to not get noticed by fans."

"That'll be hard to do."

"I know."

After about 15 more minutes of being on the train, it finally stopped back at Liverpool. The fans were gone and the four of them got out. The first thing they did was get into a cab before they were recognized again.

"Where to gentlemen?"

Paul gave off his address to the driver and sat back to relax. "Ye know, we should be used to this by now."


"The fans chasing us through town, trying to find a safe place to go."

"Well, I do have to say, it is our fault for forgetting how famous we were."

Then, the driver spoke up: "Exactly how famous are ye boys? Ye look a little young to be famous."

"Ever hear of The Beatles?"


"That famous."

"So, yer just like The Beatles? What's yer band name? Maybe I've heard of it."

They all just looked at each other with disbelief. Then, John spoke up: "Uh, do ye listen to any of the Beatles songs?"

"Yeh. I have many favorites."

"What's yer top favorite song?" He asked again.

"One of their newest songs. Another Girl. Sung by Paul McCartney."

John looked at Paul and smiled. Paul just shook his head. John nodded. Paul kept shaking his head. "So, wanna hear a great imitation of that song sung by me friend James here?"

Paul's eyes widened when John used his first name. "Sure. I could sure use a good laugh."

"Yeh well, ye wouldn't be having a good laugh after ye hear him."

"If he could make him sound like the man himself, then I'd be surprised."

"Well James? What are ye waiting for?"

Paul stuttered a bit. Then, he began singing his usual singing voice.

For I have Got
Another girl
Another girl, who's sweeter than all the girls,
and, I met quite a few

Right after that, he looked up and the driver had his jaw dropped. "Okay, how did ye manage to sound like him?"

George face-palmed. "Do ye not recognize us?"

"No. Should I?"

"Have ye ever seen what the Beatles looked like mister?"

"Yeh I have. Come to think of it, ye do look a little like them. Nah. Ye can't be them."

"Why not?"

"Because, for one, John Lennon isn't married. And, I see 2 wedding rings on two of ye. Come to think of it, I don't think any of them are married."

"What makes ye think none of them are married?"

"I read it in a magazine about the four. Not to mention, I have never seen them with any girls when touring."

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