Chapter 37

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It was now getting dark out. The first day at Paul's was slowly fading away. George and Ringo had already headed to their houses, leaving Paul with Julian and John. Cynthia wasn't expected back until the next morning.

"John, the spare bedroom is just down the hall over there. Ye look pretty knackered. Better get some sleep."

"Thanks." John said. He picked up Julian, who was still sleeping and began walking to the spare bedroom.

"Daddy?" Julian said in John's neck. His voice was slightly muffled.

"Yeh son?"

"When can we go back home?"

"I don't know. For now, we're staying with uncle Paul." John said as he set Julian on the bed.

"When is mummy coming back?"

"Tomorrow. She'll be happy to see ye."

"I miss her."

"I know ye do. I miss her too. Get some sleep son. Today's troubles are gone."

"Okay." Julian said as he laid down. John tucked him in and turned out the light.

John was about to leave when he heard Julian speak again. "Daddy?"

He turned around. "Yeh son?"

"Aren't you going to sleep in here?"

"Want me to?"


John smiled and nodded. "Okay. I'll sleep with ye tonight." John walked up to the other side of the bed and got in.


The Next Morning

Paul was the first one awake. He decided to make breakfast for them all even though John and Julian were still asleep.

Cynthia had arrived at Paul's and knocked on it several times. Paul walked up to the door and opened it. "Ey Cyn. Come on in."

"Thanks Paul." Cynthia said as she stepped inside and Paul shut the door. "What happened?"

"I thought John told ye."

"He did. How did it end up like this?"

"None of us know."

"Where is he?"

"Still asleep. He and Julian shared a bed last night. Yesterday, he told me that once ye got here, he was gonna have ye take the bed while he takes the couch."

"He doesn't need to do that."

"And, he told me that if ye said that, to tell ye that its not up for negotiation."

"So, he's speaking through you, is he?"

"Apparently, he knew I was gonna be the first one up."

Cynthia looked at the side of Paul's hands. They were both scraped from the day before. "You were there too?"

"Yeh. All of us were. We were playing our songs when John recieved the phone call. So, all our instruments were destroyed in it."

"I'm sorry to hear about that."

"Yeh well, lucky for us, we have some more down at the studio and I got several guitars around here."

"Well, that is good, but, ye know John. He loved his guitars he had at home."

"I know. Oh, forgot to mention, yer just in time for breakfast. I was just cooking it up."

"Wonderful." She said as they both walked into the kitchen. "Need help/"

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