Chapter 53

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John got the kitchen cleaned up and Paul had finally gotten Julian to let go, but he stayed close to Paul. John walked back to Paul and sat next to him and Julian.

"Ye know, this might give him nightmares for a while."

"I know." John said.

George entered through the back door, as he usually did. "Ey everyone."

"Geo, good to see you." Paul walked up to him and shut the back door behind him.

"What happened to yer table? Wasn't it right here?" George stood in the spot the table was once at.

"It was. I gotta get a new one."

Both George and Paul walked into the living room. "Ey Geo." John said looking up at him.

"John. You look tired."

"I only had 3 hours of sleep last night. That could be why."

"Sounds like you had a fun night."

"Heh. Not."

George sat next to him. "Ey Jules."

Julian never looked up.

"What's up with him?"

"Nothin'. Hoping he'll be okay later."

"Alright. So, got any plans today?"

"For me, I'm gonna stay here and sleep. I'm bloody tired." John said.

"What about you Paul?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well, maybe doing a little something before the concert."

"The concert isn't for another 3 weeks."

"I know. But, this could be our only chance to do something before then."

"Alright. I'll go. Did ye invite Rings yet?"

"Yeh. I did. He said he'll come."

"Great. So, basically, a boys night out."

"Right. All accept, John won't be there."

"Welp, we officially became a trio."

John threw a pillow at Paul. "Just for today ye have."

Paul threw the pillow back at John. "Careful Paul. Julian's next to me. No need to bring him into this."

"Sorry. But, ye know how I am."

"Yeh I do. I've spent way too much time with ye to not know how you are."

"Well, when do ye wanna leave Geo?"

"When yer ready. Ye might wanna change first. Don't want ye to go in yer pajamas."

Paul looked down, then back up. "I forgot."

John laughed. "Get outta here Paul."

Paul left and George ruffled Julian's hair. Julian just looked up for a second, then lowered his head again.

"Sick ey?"

"You could say that. He's upset. He'll be fine though."

Paul came out moments later. "Wow, that was quick." George said as he stood up. "Ready to go?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"See you both later." John said waving to both beatles as they left. Then, he sat Julian up and forced his son to look him in the eyes.

"Listen Jules, yer fine. Yer safe. Nothing is going to happen. Do ye trust me?"

Julian nodded.

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