Chapter 58

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They each had their turns in the showers and got into some fresh clothes and were ready for the conference that wasn't supposed to take place for another couple hours.

Ringo was watching some television while the others were playing cards when Brian walked in to their hotel room.

"Ey lads."

"Brian. Welcome. What brings you here?"

"I wanted to make sure you four were ready."

"Nah. We're not ready. We're not ready to face the world yet."

"Well, tomorrow, ye'll be facing 50,000 americans."

"Don't remind us." John said, never looking up from his cards.

"Look, I know how the four of you feel about going back on stage. You never know what to expect now."

"Yeh. You got that right."

Every time one of them mentioned anything about concerts, it made John's hands shake badly. This time, it got pretty bad that he dropped the cards he was holding, and sighed. "I'm not even sure if I'm ready to get back on stage Bri."

"That's understandable John. Ye know ye can't back out of it now."

"Unfortnately." He said picking up his cards again.

"I know none of you are ready to face the world again."

"So, if you knew we weren't ready, why?"

"Because I thought you were. Listen, go through tonight and tomorrow night, then you can relax."

"That's what you said last time we had a concert and look where things led."

Brian walked up to him and placed a hand on John's back. He noticed John wince a little, trying to hide it.

"Uh, yeh." Now, Brian did something John never expected. He applied pressure to his back.

"Brian! Would you stop that?"

"Why? Got something to hide?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Are you 100% sure?"


"I ask because I have never seen anyone wince when I touch them slightly."

"Told ye so." George looked over at John.

"Sod off Harrison."

"Okay boys, tell me what happened and why yer about to have an argument."

"Who said we were about to have an argument?"

"Its just the way it looks. Anyways, stop stalling and tell me."

"John was shot." Paul blurted out. John hit his shoulder. "Oh, and Geo killed Wallis for real this time."

Brian froze for a second. "Wait, what did I just hear? When were you shot? It had to have been recent."

"Less than a week ago. That's how long Wallis has been dead for."

"Did the doctor even clear you to come here?"

"Yeh, but he's under restrictions." Ringo said.

"Oh really?"

"Yeh. He can't be doing alot. The doctor doesn't want to see John back for another several weeks."

"Now, the real question is, why haven't any of you told me about this?"

"Uh, no answer."


John looked down and his hands were still shaking. He decided to set his cards down before they fell again. "I'm not ready for this."

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