Chapter 29

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It had been a few days since the Beatles all regrouped again and since they all left their houses, afraid of what would happen to them if they stepped out. Several times a day, they would call each other to make sure they were alright, but that was the only communication they had.

George had been sleeping alot and still trying to recover from the gunshot wound to his side, Paul had been pacing around his house, trying not to worry, Ringo had spent that time with Maureen as he also kept his mind occupied, and John also had been sleeping alot.

They each tried to rest up for whatever would happen next. One thing they knew was: their stories weren't over yet and they planned to fight till the end.

Paul was the first to call John. He and Cynthia were both still sleeping when it rang. John reached over with his good arm and grabbed the reciever.

"Can I help ye?"

"Sounds like I just woke ye up."

"Ye did. Who is this?"


"Paul who?"

"Paul McCartney, yer band mate?"

"Paul McCartney who?"

"Come on John! Ye know its me."

"I know. I just felt like messing with ye."

"So, I take it yer alright?"

"Yeh." John said, forcing himself to sit up so his back was on the headboard. "Anything interesting happen on yer side of the line?"

Paul chuckled. "Not really."

"Yeh me either. I am getting real tired of this."

"Tired of what?"

"Someone trying to kill us."

"Oh, that. Ye and me both."

"We can't even go outside without looking over our shoulders Paul. What kind of life is that?"

"Its the kind that we shouldn't be dealing with. But, we'll make it. All of us. Even if we get hurt in the process."

"Me and Geo are already hurt. We were both nearly gunned down at our own concert only days ago."

"When we landed, ye said ye weren't scared anymore."

"Yeh well, I wasn't 100% truthful Paul. Ye should've known that. Of course I'm scared. Why wouldn't I be? I'm more scared for me friends than I am for meself."

"I already knew ye weren't telling the truth. I could read people. Sometimes, I could read ye. Not all the time though. It appears that ye don't want to be read half the time."

"Its true. I don't like people reading me. This whole thing made me weak. As ye know, I jump at every little noise I hear, whether its Julian talking, or a pen falling. It doesn't matter what noise it is. If I don't know its going to happen, or if it happens right behind me, that's when it scares me."

"I know what yer going through. Believe me, I know."

"I know. Ye all know what that feels like to continuously look over yer shoulder."

"Yeh we do. Listen, I'll call the others and let ye know how they are."

"Okay Paul. Be safe."


John put the reciever down and just sat on his bed for a bit. John heard a noise coming from his living room. He quietly got out of bed and walked out. He managed to see a figure standing there and the first thing he did, was jump at him, knocking them both to the ground.

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