Chapter 15

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WORDS: 1780

John and Ringo made their way to room 223 and slowly walked in to see Paul was awake.

"Ey Paul!"

John, Rings. Welcome to prison."

"It is a nice prison yer in though."

"Yeh. Says ye. The doctor said I'm stuck here for a couple days."

"Well, I got bad news Paul, yer gonna live."

"Very funny Lennon. When I get out of here, ye'll regret the fact that yer making jokes."

"Aw come on Paulie, ye know they're funny."

"I know but I'm saying that because I really don't wanna laugh."

"Ah, I see. We don't want ye to hurt yerself."


"Well, I can lay off me jokes until ye get out of here."

"Thanks Johnny but, it wouldn't be you."

"So, are ye giving me permission?"

"Yeh, just as long as ye do it to either Ringo or George."

"Ey!" Ringo said.

Paul just shrugged.

"Well, since the both of ye are teaming up, I'll have to team up with Geo."

"Go right ahead Rings. It won't stop me."


Paul started to laugh, then regretted it. "John. I told ye, I didn't want to laugh."


"No yer not. Ye enjoy seein' me in pain."

"Oh, yer right. I almost forgot." John said chuckling.

"So, where's Geo?"

"Oh, he's on his way."

"Another question. What are we going to do?"

"With what?"

"This whole thing."

"Oh, uh, we'll be put in protection. I was speaking with a cop when ye were bein' looked over. He said he would put us in protection."

"It won't work."

"Well, it might. Once ye get out of here, then we will be put in protection."

"What about Brian?"

"Not sure. I haven't asked about him. Only us."

"Okay. Ye might want to ask about him too. We can't take any chances. Ye do know that right?"

"Yeh. I know. Listen Paul, I'm sorry this happened to ye."

"What do ye have to be sorry about?"

"It should have never happened is all I'm sayin'."

"There was nothing ye could do about it John." Paul said wrapping his arm around his ribs as he slowly sat up. "Don't tell me yer blamin' yerself."

George walked in.

"Ey Paul. Ye look.......well."

"Thanks pal, that's all I need. I know I look awful."

"I just wanted to break it to ye gently." George said smiling as he approached Paul.

"Well, ye did a good job, but, I already knew."

"Rats. I was hoping I'd be the first one."

"Nope. The doctor was the first one to break it to me gently. All John said was I was going to live."

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