Chapter 6

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WORDS: 2058

No one's POV

"I wonder what Paul and Rings are doing right now."

"Ye and me both son." John said looking over at George as he kept his head against the wall.

"Think they'll ever let us go?"

"Honestly? No. We've seen their faces. They won't take chances. Now, they'll be after Paulie because he was also one who saw their faces."

"I hope not."

"I would literally take a bullet to make sure each of ye are safe. I can't let anything happen to Paulie."

"I hear ye. But, Paul should be with Ringo. They won't dare split up now."

"Hopefully they're smart enough not to. But, that probably won't stop it from happening."


Paul and Ringo had stuck together. They both didn't want to split up. Not after what happened to George. Of course, they still had no idea what happened to John.

Paul was standing on a stool and looked out a window that was a few feet above his eye level, so even with the stool, he had to hold on the window sill and pop his head up.

"See anything interesting Paul?"

"Nope. We can't stay here."

"We can't go out there!"

"We have to. We need to search for them. Its a huge risk we need to take."

"Okay. Got any ideas on where to go?"

"No. But, we need to stick together and not seperate no matter what."

"Yeh. I can do that."

Paul stepped back down so he was now eye level with Ringo.

"Ye ready to go out in the world?"

"No but that won't stop me."

Paul motioned for Ringo to follow him as they were walking up to the door of the basement. They heard footsteps and Paul froze. Their friend was supposed to be gone out of town for another week or so. So, someone was in the house and it wasn't their friend.

Paul walked back down the steps quietly as he lightly pushed Ringo and whispered: "Hide."

Ringo didn't hesitate as he took off and they both hid. Then, they heard the basement door open. Paul turned around and put a finger to his lips to motion for Ringo to be quiet.

With each footstep, Ringo was trembling. The footsteps have gotten heavier and heavier. Then, they stopped all of a sudden. Paul held his breath as sudden footsteps approached his direction. They heard him speak up.

"Alright boys. I know yer in here. Come peacefully, and we won't hurt yer friends."

Paul and Ringo both slowly stood up with their hands up as the guy was holding a gun.

"Lets go." Two other guys walked behind both of them and forced them out.


John had fallen asleep while George was awake. There was no way he could sleep where he was. It had been several hours since the door had opened. John had run out of ideas on how to escape, and his wrists had stopped bleeding but the wires were still dug into his skin.

George heard him snoring lightly but he kept his eyes glued on the door. Without him wanting to, he started to doze off, and it only took a few seconds to fall asleep just like John had.

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