Chapter 24

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WORDS: 1805

John had taken a last drag of his cigarette and put it out. He had a blank stare on his face, as if he was trying to hold his anger.

They all sat in silence for a while, thinking about any possible solutions. Cynthia had made a pot of tea and brought each of them a cup.

"Thanks Cyn. Its greatly appreciated." Paul said.

"Are any of ye hungry?"

"Not really. I'm not, but thanks." George said having a seat next to John.

"What about ye John? Want anything?"

"No. I'm fine." He said as calmly as he could.

"What are ye thinking John?"

John looked up and smiled.

"Uh, uh-oh. He has a plan."

"We get Brian back." John said.

"How do ye propose we do that Johnny?"

"They know they can't kill us off. They never expected us to fight in the first place. Just, do not get the cops involved in this search."

"How would ye know where to look for him?"

"The first place we look is the first place me and Paul were taken in the very beginning. That is our first place."

"So, when do we start?"


John and George both stood up and walked over to Paul and Ringo. "We're taking one car so we don't attract attention. Ye go ahead and head outside. I'll be there shortly."

"Okay. See ye out there Johnny." Ringo said as the three of his friends walked outside. Cynthia was still in the same room as them. She was curious as to what was about to happen.

"Please be careful John. I don't want Julian to grow up without a father."

John walked up to her. "Don't worry. He won't. Look at how many times they've tried to kill me and I'm still standing."

"Yeh. For now. Sooner or later, they're going to find you're weakness, and get ye with yer guard down."

"I see where yer coming from hun. But, nothing is going to happen. No need to worry."

"How can I not? It feels like ye were just drafted into the war."

"In a way, I was. This is a war. Its about survival for me, for me friends, for Brian, for ye and Julian, Pattie and Maureen. This is a battle for all of us Cyn. We need to get Brian back. I don't know how long it'll take for the cops to find him so I'm taking matters into me own hands."

"Just, be careful. If ye don't find him when its getting dark out, come back home and search for him tomorrow."

"Okay I will."

"No, promise me ye'll come home and not continue to search for him."

"Okay. I promise."

"That's all I wanted to hear. As I already said: Be careful." Cynthia said hugging him.

"We'll be fine. Trust me."

"I do trust ye. That's why I'm letting ye do it. Get Brian back."

John left to the others. "Lets get going. We're wasting daylight." John got into his car, and a couple seconds, the others followed.

"So, do ye even know where yer going John?" George asked.

"I actually do."

"Very well. Lead the way."

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