Chapter 18

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WORDS: 2112

I am trying not to put too many words in one chapter. Sorry.

John stood up from the table and washed his dishes. Once he was done washing them, he walked to the living room and picked up his guitar and began playing.

The others were still in the kitchen talking. Cynthia looked over at John and smiled. "Ye know, he told me that when he picks up his guitar and plays random songs, the stress lifts from his shoulders."

"Yeh. I've noticed. He seems happier with it." George said looking over at him.

George saw a smile growing on John. It was a rare sight, because he was constantly under stress at the recording studio.

George approached John and picked up his own guitar and began playing lead. John looked up at him with the same smile. John started to play If I fell and be began singing it. Paul and Ringo joined in, each of them with a smile on their faces as the stress instantly lifted from their shoulders.

Cynthia walked into the bedroom and picked up Julian and brought him out so she could feed him and she stopped and looked over at the boys playing.

They got done with the song and began talking.

"Seems like ye really enjoyed yerself John."

"I did. Sometimes, I need to get out of reality so I wouldn't be under stress. And, this is the best way."

"It is a really good way to get rid of stress for a while." Ringo said as he stood up from his drumset.

"I really need to watch me stress." John said, standing up and walking over to get a cup of tea from the kitchen.

"Watch his stress? Since when?" George questioned.

"Me and Cyn were talking this morning. Last night, Johnny had an asthma attack. It was his first in 5 years. 5 years ago, he made an oath to watch his stress levels so he wouldn't have another one. Apparently, that oath was broken."

"Well, this wasn't his fault. Anyways, is he okay?"

"Yeh. He's fine. The last thing he needs is for us to ask him ourselves if he's okay. I can assure ye, he's fine."

"As long as he is. So, anyways, what about this new song of yers Paul?"

"Well, I've decided that we'll wait until we get back to civilazation, ye know?"

"Yeh. Think it'll be a lot easier than doing it here."

"I see where yer coming from."

John entered the room and sat down back on the couch as he, once again, picked up his guitar.

"So, what now, Johnny boy?"

"Not sure. Maybe, we can create a new song just from being here."

Not a few minutes later, Paul had taken John's 6 string and started finger picking. He had suddenly created a song just in that moment, and he started singing it.

All my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh I believe, in yesterday.

"Paul, when did ye come up with that?"

"A moment ago actually. It seems fitting, don't ye think?"

"Yeh. It describes our situation right now. It feels like only yesterday we didn't have to run and hide, and our troubles are here to stay until its over with. So, yeh. I think its very fitting to our situation. Got anything else?" John asked.

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