Chapter 7

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WORDS: 1944

After the door shut, John walked back to the others. "I'm back."

"What were ye thinking John? He could have easily taken ye."

"Who? Their boss?"

"Who else would I be talking about?"

"Well, he needed to know not to mess with me. I ain't playing around. I will find a way out of here for all of us."

The door opened again.

"Mr. Lennon, we need ye to come with us."


"The boss wants us to seperate ye from the others."

"Is that so?"

"Yeh. Come peacefully. He gave us permission to take matters into our own hands if ye don't cooperate."

"A little upset about me hurting yer friend?"

John followed them into the hall and as soon as the door shut, they untied his hands.......Big mistake.........John threw both of them against the wall using both his arms catching them by surprise.

Paul heard something against the wall. A thud. He couldn't explain it. Apparently, he was the only one who heard it. He stood up and walked up to the wall he heard the thud from.

"What?" Ringo asked.


It sounded like someone was fighting right outside. Now, he got worried. Then, the door opened again. John walked in.

"We're leaving."

"What happened out there?"

"See for yerself." He stepped aside. The two guys who tried to take him away, were both unconsious. "I told their boss not to underestimate me. And, this is the reason. Lets get out of here."

George and Ringo walked over and headed out the door. John went first as each of them followed him. They all got to a corner and moved to the wall and John silently told them not to move.

He peaked around the corner and it was clear. He saw another camera and decided to do something a little different. He walked up to it and said: "Ye think ye can get us? Come and try. I already took out two of ye. What makes ye think I won't take out ye all?"

Then, he smashed the camera and motioned for them to follow him. George turned around and saw someone running over to them. He didn't look too happy. He had a gun with him.

"We got trouble." He said as the others turned.

"Hands. Let me see yer hands."

They each put their hands up and John slowly approached. "Think yer so tough with that gun? Yer not." He grabbed the man by the wrist and knocked him out with a single punch. (that's what happens when you get someone mad)

Now, he was armed and smirked. "Lets go."

Paul turned to Ringo. "Remind me to stay on his good side."

"I know. I've never seen him like this."

"If I am to concentrate, I need ye two to shut up. We can't draw any more attention."

"Well, ye did take out three guys, not to mention, ye spoke into the camera and threatened them." That's drawing alot of attention, don't ye think?"

"Not if its survival. In our case, that's what it is. As I said to them, if I have to, I'll take them all." John said as he continued walking.

They made it to a door, but found that it was locked with a padlock. John just smirked and aimed the gun at the lock. With one shot, the padlock broke off and he opened the door.

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