Chapter 10

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WORDS: 1747

They had spent several hours having a bit of fun with their instruments, and forgetting all about the world around them. They decided to play one final song featuring Paul on lead vocals as they sang And I Love Her.

Once the song had finished, Brian spoke up. "Boys, think its safe for ye to go to the recording studio?"

"Well, lets stay in hiding for a few more days. If nothing happens, then we can go back to recording what he haven't."

"Okay. Sounds good."

John set his guitar down and leaned back against the couch. "That's just what I needed. A session with the boys here." He said smiling.

"Yeh. I think we all needed that today."

John walked up to the window and looked outside. Something didn't seem right to him. There were strangers walking around that looked suspicious.

"I think we have visitors."


"Yeh. Looks like its not over after all."

"How many of them are there?"

John started to count. "About 10 of them."

"We can't take them all John. So, don't even try."

"Who said I was going to try?"

John opened the door and walked to the car as if nothing was happening and pulled something out and walked back inside.

"That was stupid of ye."

"Act like ye don't notice Geo."

"What did ye get anyways?"

George looked down at John's hand. "Oh."

He had the gun he stole from one of the guys. He took the mag out to see how many bullets he had left. "6. That's plenty."

"But, there will still be 4 left."

"I can take four guys Paul."

"Don't think yer taking them all at once."

John looked through the curtains again and noticed that all 8 of them were gone and two of them were approaching the front of the house.

"Looks like they're surrounding us." John turned toward Brian. "Get Martin and Pattie down to the basement."

"No. We're staying here."

"Brian! This isn't yer fight! Its ours. We can take care of ourselves. Get Pattie and Martin out of here and stay out of sight. Go!"

Brian took the others down to the basement and shut the door. "Geo, lock the door. We can't risk them getting hurt."

John took the safety off the gun and checked to see if there was a bullet in the chamber and nodded as he looked over at the other three. Ringo looked over at the back door, moments before knock out gas was thrown threw the window.

"What is with these guys?" John said covering his mouth and nose as each of them started coughing. One by one, they fell. John was the last one to fall and the gun was still in his hand as he went down.

Before Paul was knocked out, he saw several men walking in with gas masks as one of them grabbed him and started to drag him out. Paul tried to struggle, but failed as he went limp.

The gun was kicked out of John's hand as one of them grabbed the gun and tucked it in his pants. "I got the primary subject."

Each of them were dragged out, one by one.

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