Chapter 33

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The press conference was aired on television. George, John and Ringo walked into George's house and the televisioin was on.

"I guess someone forgot to turn that off."

"Yeh. Well, I'm gonna wait for them."


"Ye know who. I'm waiting for them here."

"That would be very wise." The three of them heard a voice coming from the kitchen.

"And there they are now." John said.

"It was very smart of you to do what you did so you can survive. For a whole week, we believed you were dead. Then, someone told press that you were still alive and faked you're death. Tell me, how did you do it? I made sure you were dead."

"Did ye? Well, ye didn't do a very good job as ye can see. I'm still alive."

"Yeh. Paul seems to think he's invincible because ye can't kill him off." Ringo said smiling.

"We can't?"

"Nope. As ye probably know, he attacked more people than ye ever will, and he put them on the ground in seconds. And look at ye. Ye can't even kill one guy. He keeps returning. And, he's not afraid of you."

"He's right ye know." John said as he laid on the couch.

"I should have shot you one last time just to be sure."

"Well, ye blew yer chance."

"In case ye haven't realized, I still got about a thousand chances."

"Do ye though?"

"Where are you getting at? Think I can't kill you?"

"Ye can't." George said.

"So, why don't ye go back to wherever it is ye came from?"

"Wanna make me?"

John turned to George and Ringo and smiled. "Of course. I would love to."

John stood up. "Do ye really wanna test me?"

"If its the only way I could kill you without having you come back from the dead."

"I didn't come back from the dead. Remember? I just faked it."

John approached him and they were now face to face. John walked past him and grabbed an apple from off the counter and bit into it and approached him again. "I'm gonna need all me strength to take ye down."

"Are you trying to act like a big shot?"

"In case you haven't realized, I am the big shot." That was the last thing John said before throwing the apple over to Ringo and laying the first punch. The guy stumbled back and fell. "Didn't see that coming did ye?"

George cringed when he saw the impact and turned his face. He quickly turned back to find out what would happen next.

"This is why I say ye can't kill me off. Because ye never get a chance to get to me. Ye'll end up on the floor before ye even think about laying a hand on me."

"If we couldn't lay a hand on ye, how do you think we shot ye?"

"Oh I don't know. Ye had a sniper aimed at me. That could be why." John knelt down so he was now face to face. "Now, if ye think about doing anything stupid, ye'll regret it. I got both George and Ringo over there to help me out when needed. And, they won't hesitate. Now, it appears that I'm going to have to take ye each down one by one. Now, Geo, get the cops over here and them get this guy out of here."

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