Chapter 9

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WORDS: 2366

The cops arrived soon after as the four walked back in when they heard talking.

"Looks like they're here."

"Ey boys. cops are here."

"We see that Brian."

"Mr. Lennon, yer manager tells us that this man assulted ye. Is that correct?"


"Do ye know why he would want to come after ye?"

"No idea. He never told me."

"Well, ye won't be having any more problems with him. We took him away."

"Thank ye Mr. Officer sir."

"If there's anything ye need, call. I'll help ye in any way I can."

"Yes sir." John said saluting him.

The cops left and John looked over at Brian, as if to ask, What now?

"Today's going to be a long day. I can already feel it."

John didn't say anything as he sat on the couch, deep in thought again.


His name being yelled snapped him out of it again. "Huh?"

"I called ye three times. What is going on with ye?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"Stop saying nothing. Yer acting like something is bothering ye. Spit it out."

"I'm not getting out of this am I?"

"No. Yer not. Sometimes, yer good at hiding something, but then, there are those times, like this, that ye show when something's bothering ye. So, tell us before we force it out of ye."

"I don't think Cyn or Julian are safe."

"What makes ye think that?"

"Its a hunch."

"That guy said something about them didn't he?"

John didn't say a word. He just looked up.

"So, is that what the call to her was about?"

"Yeh. I had to make sure she was safe. I told her to leave where she was now. As far as I know, she's in as much danger as we are."

"So, what are ye going to do?"

"Make sure she's out of danger. I will kill the first person who lays a hand on her."

"I don't blame ye. Ye gotta do what ye gotta do to save yer family from danger."

"Yeh. Tell me about it. I can't do anything to help them from here."

"Yes ye can. Ye can survive for them."

"I have been surviving since this whole thing started."

"Yeh, ye managed to come out with several cuts and bruises, but that's it. No serious injuries."

"Not yet. What I don't get is, why he went to the front door."

"I guess he knew ye'd answer the door." George answered.

"I guess. All I can do is worry about them, not knowing what's going to happen to them."

"They'll be fine John."

"As far as ye know."

John buried his head in his hands and groaned. "Is this ever going to end?"

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