17 | 100 Kind Things

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It was just a bet, at first but they just wanted to see how nice Bucky and Sam could be to each other. They were expecting small steps but they took it to the extreme. It was a weird sort of nice. They started out by making each other breakfast in bed but the coffee was more bitter and toast was a little burnt. They did their best. The goal was 100 kind things, or almost. 

Their first week of '100 Kind Things' was when Bucky gave Sam not only one flower but a whole room of flowers that spelt out I HATE U across the floor, Sam took a picture of it. So did Nat and Steve. Sam had to give something back, of course, those were the rules. Yes, there were rules. They were plain and simple:

   1. When the other person does something nice to you, you have to give it back within the next 48 hours.

   2. You can be as nice as you want

   3. You have to at least get up to 100(90 is fine)

So, Sam went out and bought movie tickets for them to see the next day it was this film Bucky had been begging for the four of them(Nat, Steve, him and Sam) to see because it had this famous person in it that he really liked and blah blah, so he bought tickets. Of course, they were going to be salty to each other. 

Mainly Sam. So when the next day came for them in the cinema, the good seating and popcorn and snacks...it was the distraction.

He purposely gave tickets so he and Buck could be seated next to each other. That was already a distraction on its own. He would annoy him like the teasing comments and being super(and cheesy) nice to Bucky whilst watching the movie whenever something serious came on. For example, calling him 'sweetheart', 'doll', 'beautiful' and other cheesy comments that would make him blush. For a moment Sam thought he would hold Bucky's hand but that would be too extreme. 

Sam likes extreme, so he did it anyway. Their fingers locked with each other, Bucky not even commenting on why he did it. He knew it was supposed to distract him, so he accepted it.

In fact, they continued holding hands throughout the film and the end credits. Steve snickered as Natasha took a photo of them holding hands once the lights were back on. Bucky instantly pulled away, his hand once they started leaving the theatre. 

Now it was Bucky's turn again. The breakfast in bed, oh how it was going to be priceless. He made tea and put salt in it and made the toast a little burnt and avocado that was a little ripe enough to eat but a little bitter. He placed it on a tray and carried it to Sam's room.

Bucky watched as he drank the tea. He instantly felt guilty. "Doesn't it taste bad?"

"It did," Sam said, "but I drank it all because I didn't want to hurt your feelings." that made Bucky's breath hitch and his heart stop for a moment. They lock eyes. "Thank you," Sam finally said after a moment of silence. They lock eyes again, lost in each other.

"Uh, well...your welcome," he said to him, closing the door as he left. He caught his breath once he went downstairs and buried his face in a pillow on the lounge once him, and Sam both realised something when they locked eyes: They didn't do this Kindness thing for the money. They did it because it was to prove that they love each other. 

"What's wrong, Bucky?" Steve asked as he sat down next to him, rubbing his back.

"I didn't mean for something like this to happen!" Bucky said, sitting up.

"Like what?"

"This isn't to prove that Sam and I could be nice to each other because we've been capable of doing that all along, it's to prove our feelings for each other,"  Bucky explained to him. Steve was slightly stunned at the explanation but then he smiled to himself and laughed. "How did I not notice? It was so obvious!"

"I wonder what Sam would give me." Bucky thought aloud. It was Sam's turn and this time he would make it nice. Actual nice instead of a little joke punched in. He decided to write a card for him, he couldn't think of anything else but his eyes. 

It was the first thing he could think of. Bucky's blue eyes – but also the card. Then his eyes again. He spent a while on the card after eating breakfast and handed it to Bucky at lunchtime where they all gathered around the table. "Thanks," Bucky said shyly, accepting the card and opening it, he blushes and smiles and turns to him "aw that's so sweet."

"Give me the card, I want to take a photo!" Natasha exclaimed, Bucky slid the card towards her across the table, she took a picture of it on her phone and handed it back. "Why are you taking photos?" Clint asked from the kitchen "it's just an activity."

"It's evidence," Natasha replied to her friend.

The card read:

Dear Bucky,

I know that we don't get along that well but I think this '100 Kind Things' bet would help us become more like friends. I really like you Bucky and I think you're a great person. 



P.S: I think you're very handsome :)

That was just the first week. They kept on going for a month and eventually got more comfortable with each other. In Avengers meetings they would stare and get lost in each other's eyes or flirt with each other. They avoided ever being in a serious relationship but they were friends up to this point. They were up to 40 kind things to each other now as they almost did it daily like some sort of high school couple showering the other with gifts and kind words constantly.

Time had passed and they wanted to do the extreme. "When you said extreme I thought you meant by asking him out or something," Natasha said to Sam, a few months later once Sam showed her the gift he got for Bucky. It was a hand-made woollen doll of him and Bucky with button eyes. "I am not going to ask him out," Sam said as he put the dolls in the box. 

"I mean, I'm just saying this is big progress for you two," Natasha said, shrugging.

"Exactly, progress, Bucky and I just want to get to know each other better," Sam said to her.

"How do you do that? Ah yes, by GOING OUT WITH THEM." Natasha cried, facepalming at the obvious chemistry everyone can see but them. Sam scoffed and rolled his eyes as he put on his jacket and looked in the mirror. "In no way in hell am I asking him out," he said to her with a stern face.

"But what if Bucky asks you out? Will you say yes?"

"Of course!" Sam said, grabbing the box as they walked downstairs.

Bucky was dressed formally, holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers as Sam came down the stairs. "So, what's your 100th thing?" Bucky asked him with a smile.

He pulled out the box and opened it, showing the two dolls, "aww," Bucky smiled and looked at him with sweet loving eyes. "That's so cute, thank you," he said, he then handed the flowers over to Sam, who smelt them.

"They smell fresh," Sam said and took another step closer to Bucky, only inches apart "thank you." they locked eyes again. "That's not all," Bucky said nervously "I was hoping...well I'm asking you - would you like to go on a date with me?" Sam smiled at him and laughed, wrapping his arms around Bucky.

"Of course, absolutely!" Sam said cheerfully "I would love to."

Their lips meet and they wrap their arms around each other, deepening the long-awaited kiss. 100 kind things have been accomplished. They part and smile at each other and hug once more. They have never felt closer since.

a/n: Thanks for reading! Thanks for 100 followers! :)

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