Under Supervision and new spells

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You were silently sipping your tea and looking through the window when your door opened.

Three guards and Odin walked in.

"Where in the nine realms have you been y/n?!"

"I sat here drinking tea father, I did nothing else."

"Heimdall said something else!"

"Are you really spying on me?"

"Indeed y/n. If you go down to Loki once again, you'll get banished from Asgard!", Odin exclaimed and left the room, the guards followed.

You were shocked and started realizing what he had done, he took away the person you love the most.

You decided to let an illusion appear in Loki's cell to tell him what's going on.

Illusion p.o.v


Loki turned around and was surprised to see you and reached out for your hand but slid through it.

"Something has happened did it? You would never use your illusion to be here. ", he asked.

You nodded "Odin forbid me to see you again and if I do he'll banish me, so it's even risky to see you with my illusion."

"Oh God... I think you should stop coming by then.", Loki turned around and you could sense that he was crying.

You walked through him so he would face you again.

"I'm not going to stop, I'll find a way to get at least two times a week in here and if it's just my illusion then be it! You know that we aren't ourselves when we are separated Loki! It has been like that since the first time you went to fight off some monsters and after that you never left my side again, to always protect me and spent time with me. ", you said while walking up and down the room.

Loki looked up at you, his eyes were bloodshot and tears fell down his cheeks.

" If you are here for at least one or twice a week I think we'll manage it. ", he sighed and wiped his tears away.

You both talked for a few more minutes and then you left him alone again.

Normal p.o.v

You were back in your room and your tea had gotten cold. You sat down and put the spell books from the forbidden section out of its hiding place and started to read.

You read about using magic to heal someone who is greatly injured or who just died.

You practiced it a few times but without someone who is injured it wouldn't work, so you walked to Thor's chamber.

You knocked on the door and it immediately opened to reveal Thor behind it.

He pulled you into a hug and guided you inside.

"Thor I need you for practice."

"Of course y/n! Do anything you like.", he said and opened his arms like he is T-posing.

You grabbed his arm and broke it.

Thor let out a cry of pain "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!", he screamed.

"It's for my practice, please hold still."

You put your hands on his arm and a green glow surrounded his arm and your hands.

You pulled away and Thor stared at his arm and moved it.

"I can move it again! How did you do that?", Thor asked surprised.

"I read another book and it was about healing someone with magic and I practiced a few times but I needed someone to actually practice it on and well... It works as you can see."

"That's amazing y/n! But I thought you already read every book in the library. Or did you go in the section again?"

You blushed and nodded.

"Anyway I'm glad you can do something like that. I'm going to visit Jane tomorrow."

"I thought you wanted to go in three days?"

"Yeah but I can't wait to see her again! I'm going to bed now." , Thor sang and shoved you out of the room closing the door.

You smiled that your brother finally found someone special even though she is a midgardian.

You walked to your chambers and went to bed.

It was hard getting any sleep because Loki wasn't with you but you somehow managed to get some sleep. 

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