Rescue Mission

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"This thing on? Hey, Miss Potts... Pep. If you find this recording, don't post it on social media. It's gonna be a real tear-jerker. I don't know if you're ever going to see these. I don't even know if you're... if you're still... Oh god, I hope so. Today is day 21, uh no 22. You know, if it wasn't for the existential terror of staring into a void of space, I'd say I'm feeling better today. Without Y/n I'd probably be dead. You'd love her. Very practical. And the blue little meanie, oh God you would love her as well she's only a tiny bit sadistic.

Some fuel cells were cracked during battle, but we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge to buy ourselves about 48 hours of time. But it's now dead in the water, even Y/n tried to fix her portal making thing but failed. We're 1000 light years from the nearest 7-11. Oxygen will run out tomorrow. And that'll be it. And Pep, I ... I know I said no more surprises, but I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like... well you know what it looks like. I still have one more surprise or at least Y/n does, she's pregnant or at least was, we don't really know right now. She is still feeling sick and doesn't eat, we think she won't make it even though she is a Goddess, she lost a lot in the last few days so who wouldn't feel bad for her?

Don't feel bad about this. I mean, if you grovel for a couple of weeks, and then move on with enormous guilt... I should probably lie down. Please know that... when I drift off, I will think about you. Because it's always you. And tell Thor that he has an amazing sister, she really cares much for other people more than she cares for herself... Good night Pep... ", Tony sighed and turned of the recording device in his helmet.

He fell asleep on the ground and you and Nebula picked him up and sat him down in a chair.

He looked weak, but you all did. You left both Nebula and Tony and walked in the bathroom.

You looked in the mirror and saw yourself.

You were pale, dark circles under your eyes and your eyes were red from crying. Your lips were dry and cracked due to dehydration. You have eaten for almost a week, and stopped drinking two days ago. You told yourself that Tony needed it more than you do, since you're a God. You couldn't look into the mirror anymore and walked out of the room and sat down next to Tony who was still asleep.

You looked out of the window and debated with yourself if you should pay your parents and Loki a visit but there was a chance that you won't come back again, the chance was way too high since you were weak.

You recalled the day Thanos snapped and you threw up... Tony ended up saying that you were pregnant and even Nebula agreed, you tried to disagree with them but eventually you gave up and accepted their diagnosis.

You smiled, if it was true you were going to a mother if Thanos wouldn't have happened. And well you know how it happened, a week floating around in space with Loki and the other Asgardians was all it took. You chuckled as you thought about how Loki protected you from Thanos, wrapping his arms around.... Your stomach....

"That sneaky bastard knew it!", you hissed silently and realized what Loki had done... He saved his family, you, Thor and his child and sacrificed himself for your safety.

Tears welled in your eyes and dripped down and as you wiped them away you saw a light come towards the ship. Tony woke up and noticed it as well. Once the light was close enough to the ship you could see that the light was actually a woman. She informed you that she is from earth and here to take you home and so she did.

"Tony, Nebula? Can I ask for a favor of you?", you asked them both as you were waiting for Carol to bring you back to earth.

Both nodded and told you to go on.

"Can you keep it a secret from Thor that I'm... or was pregnant? I don't want him to know... At least not yet."

Both of them were confused as to why they should keep it a secret from Thor but agreed.

A few hours later you arrived on earth, at the avengers headquarters. Nebula helped Tony out of the ship and then went in to get you.

Once you were outside you saw Pepper and Tony hugging, Bruce was standing next to them and Steve approached you.

You were glad to see him and collapsed in his arms. He picked you up and brought you and Tony inside. As you looked over Steve's shoulder you saw that Rocket was holding Nebulas hand and both had sat down on the little ramp of the ship.

Once Steve bought you inside you were circled by Bruce and Natasha. After Bruce finished a small check up on you and plugged an IV in for your dehydration he wanted to go and check up on Tony but you stopped him...

"Bruce?", you asked.

"What's wrong Y/n?", he asked.

"Where is Thor?"

"He's upstairs, he doesn't know that you and Tony are here yet.", Natasha relied for him.

"Can you do something for me Bruce?"

He nodded and wai8for your request.

"Can you check if.... If I'm... pregnant?", you stuttered and gripped the bed sheets in fear.

"Of course I can do that... But if I might ask... Why are you concerned about being pregnant?", Bruce asked and lowered his voice so only you and Nat would hear.

You looked around in the room unsure if someone was listening.

Natasha noticed and called Friday to soundproof the room as well as turn the microphone off.

You told them everything, from Ragnarok to now. Nat supported you throughout you telling your story.

"Well you said you threw up... Dust right?", Bruce asked and you nodded.

"I think that you were pregnant, probably...", he said.

"But what about her sickness right now? I bet you 25 dollars that she is pregnant.", Nat said and held your hand supportingly. Bruce sighed and walked out of the room and came back 30 min later with an ultrasound and something in his pockets.

"Sorry I had to check up on Tony, the ultrasound was in his room... And I needed to get something else for you. Does Tony know?", Bruce plugged in the ultrasound and you lifted up your armor.

"Yes he does... He was the one who came up with it.....", you sighed.

Bruce put some of the gel on your stomach and put the ultrasound device on it.

After a few minutes you looked over to the screen...

"I can see something, but I can't tell right now if it's a fetus or just a pile of remaining dust. It's too early for that... Good thing I quickly ran out and got this for you.", Bruce gave you a small blue box which he had kept in his pocket.

"What is that?", you asked and offered it to Natasha.

"It's a pregnancy test... Maybe Nat can help you with it?", Bruce glanced over to Nat, she nodded.

You wiped the gel away and closed your amor again.

"You might want to change Y/n... You won't need the armor for now...", Nat said and guided you to the nearest bathroom. But before you could enter you stopped Bruce once again. "Don't tell Thor please.... I don't want him to know...."

Bruce nodded and went back in the room Tony was put in.

You changed into a pair of Leggins a green hoodie and some sneakers and followed Nat into the bathroom.

After half an hour you and Nat left the bathroom together, your eyes were red from crying and Nat comforted you as you entered the main room where all of the remaining avengers were gathered.

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