Chapter 22: Trust or run?

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Angel sighed gripping the handle as he looked over his shoulder, "You ready?" Alastor nodded...Angel ignored the anxiety crawling up his back as if a physical entity wrapping his fingers around his neck...he pushed the thought aside.....

Apart of him was grateful Alastor had come along now.

"Right....'ere we go." Alastor furrowed his brows noticing the labored breaths in Angel's breathing...he reached a hand out gently pulling Angel's off the door causing the other to jolt at the contact. Angel was obviously nervous and he hadn't really understood..whoever was in this room...they clearly had a negative effect on Angel...Alastor assumed this was personal.

"Angel," Alastor said having removed his hand from Angel's as the gesture seemed to alarm him. Instead he rested his claw on the others shoulder..something..Angel was also alarmed by but, less so.

Angel glanced up at the other, eyes hidden under that fedora as his smile settled into a softer one...just as it had last night...Angel's ears reddened at the memory.

"You will do fine, do not worry. I'm sure you can handle anything this person brings." Alastor paused grinning slightly as he took his hand away from the others shoulder. He quickly tugged down the others fedora a little.

"Hey-!" Alastor chuckled as Angel complained fixing the fedora the way it had been.

"You are a strong human my dear, whatever this encounter brings, I'm sure you can handle it. I will be right behind you if you require my assistance."

Angel kept his gaze on Alastors before slowly letting it fall, a small smile tugging at his lips as he turned away. "...Thanks Al." He muttered under his breath as he turned back towards the door.

Angel pushed the door open stepping into the dimly lit room...he eyed the figure as they sat at the table..hands bound to it by leather restraints the same with his legs......Angel's breath hitched in his his shoulders tighten...but he felt a gentle hand rest on his shoulder..he didn't turn to look knowing it was Alastor. He did not want to show weakness...not to Alastor, but to the person in the seat.

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