Al's ex lover [Author note]

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Hello my lovely readers, I apologize for the lack of chapters, this isn't one just FYI. I've felt drained and took a day to myself to not only recuperate but also map out where the story is going to go from here. It' gets a little intricate that I had to actually write it out, I am currently working on the next chapter right now but it's not done just yet as it's basically setting up for the next arc. I wanted to leave something for you guys in the meantime while you waited and also let you know that I am fine and no I'm not currently dying of the virus going around.

I edited a photo (meaning it's not mine) for what Alastor's Ex lover looks like. I decided to share it with you all, HOWEVER if you don't want to spoil yourself on what his Ex looks like just yet (because it will be shown in a future chapter) then feel free to clock out of this right now if you don't wanna be spoiled!








Are you sure?






How sure?













Okay don't say I didn't want you~









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No name as of yet to be disclosed you can just refer to him as Alastor's past lover, or Ex.

Some random information because I'm not sure if it'll actually come up in the story but

So this lovely gentlemen is gay (sorry ladies)

He was around 25 when he died and is from New York like Angel but moved to New Orleans when he was a teenager. He has something of a southern accent like Angel's but also tends to switch to a rough New Orleans accent now and then because of how long he's been there. This boy LOVES to sing and that was what he'd been doing when he was alive. Yes that's a piercing, he wore earrings. He could be mature but he was also a bit of a smart ass and a flirt. He doesn't like fighting or killing and was constantly on edge once the New Orleans killer began to pop up in the news (he'd been 18 at the time) and had met Alastor just a year later. (Yes he and Alastor slept together at one point, no it was not often.)

As I said this is an edit of an already existing art done by Broken Skull  but I don't know any of their social media accounts (because I found the picture on google).

                                                                          - Thanks for reading -

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