So uh, I'm busy today.

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So uh, turns out I might not be able to get the next chapter out today because TURNS OUT I have a bunch of writing stuff to do for my online class. And my teacher wants a page each for 8 prompts so...It's gonna take awhile even for me. Having said that I didn't want leave you guys empty so I decided why not just write a short skit-chapter to make ya guys laugh until the next chapter comes out and I'm sorry I know I JUST did an intermission.

I just wanna clarify these little mini-chapters are not cannon in anyway and merely for fun.

"Ya' realize ya don't HAVE TO update today? You could just NOT update and leave 'em waiting."

...Nah. I can't do that to my readers. Alright enjoy the little skit-chapter! :)

Let's call this little mini-chapter the 'BackStage AU.'

BackStage AU: They bicker a lot

Angel walked onto the set glancing around, his eyes briefly looked at Cherri who was doing one of the upcoming scenes. She was laying on the ground in front of a car and Vaggie was with her, he looked away not taking in anything else as that would be spoilers.

He made his way to the break room behind the main area where he assumed Alastor was. The area behind the main stage was more or less just had a bunch of food on the tables and Angel's favorite his coffee machine. He had just finished a scene and went over to the spot where he put his coffee down, right on his casting chair with his name on the back of it. ...

Thing was, the coffee wasn't there. Angel growled spinning around on his heels in hot pursuit of the culprit. He eyed him from across the room sitting in his own casting chair sipping on some coffee.

Oh he was gonna get it.

He walked over ready to fight the man for his coffee but was propmpy stopped by a pink box in his face. He had to take a few steps back before looking up and seeing that large grin and mop of purple hair. Angel rolled his eyes, crossing his arms..he really wanted his coffee.

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