Chapter 64: The End

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"It's.....finally over." Angel repeated to himself as he stared down at the corpse. Blood covered his face and the knife he held tightly in his hand but he didn't care. The apposing side had fallen, and Angel and his agents had been virtuous...he had done what he aimed to do for years... why didn't he believe those words?

Alastor watched from a distance as Angel stood over the corpse his eyes staring down at it...a red look to the humans eyes the brunette could clearly see. It wasn't the look of the moon reflecting off his face, or the blood that splattered on his face.....

Angel's eyes were red.

Alastor became a bit worried when Angel's head lowered slightly as his bangs fell over his eyes. The brunette walked over to his boyfriend, hands folding behind his back as he stopped just beside the corpse with Angel standing over it. "Angel, are you alright?" Alastor asked, concerned despite the mellow tone of his voice. He feared that perhaps the fight had taken too much out of him and that maybe....

A chuckle left the others lips....and then it got louder...before erupting into a loud and crazed laughter...just like Cherri's when she killed someone in hell. "Angel?" Alastor asked, reaching a hand forward Angel jerked his head up the pupils of his eyes a bright crimson. A wide and unsettling grin spread across the males features as a look of insanity plagued his eyes. His laughter got louder dripping with pure insanity....

and Alastor loved the sound....that is, he would if not for being concerned for Angel's sudden change in behavior. He reached out a hand to touch Angel's shoulder as the insane and crazed laughter continued. "Angel-" the laughter suddenly stopped as Angel winced grabbing his hand that was glowing a bright red his eyes shut momentarily as he seemed to be bracing the pain. Alastor during this had grabbed both of Angel's shoulders calling his name, trying to get a response.

Angel groaned, eyes fluttering open for a moment to reveal they where back to their usual color with the iris black once more. Alastor found himself breathing a sigh of relief... "Are ya' alright cher?" He said softly only for Angel's ears. The blonde in question looked up to meet Alastor's gaze as he flushed slightly at the accent, the redhead's smile seemed to grow upon seeing Angel's face covered in crimson. Something about it made him appear more fierce and beautiful.

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