Chapter 4

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Deacon P.O.V.

I sat in the living area on the couch kind of hung over. Last night didn't go as planned.

The night started out good but then ended with me knocking out some drunk prick.

I could have just punched the guy once for messing with my girl but I snapped. It took my brothers and a bouncer to get me off the dude.

I could see fear and confusion in Cecilia's eyes on the ride back from the club.

I never wanted to scare her.

Last night we fell asleep with her in my arms. I just never wanted to let her go. I just wanted to make sure my girl was protected and safe. I'd never let someone hurt her.

"You good bro?" my brother Carson said as he entered the room.

"What the fuck man. You told Cecilia about mom?" I asked as he sat down.

"Bro it's too early to have all that bass in your voice. Calm down. I didn't tell her anything. I just said you hired a live in nurse and did she know the real reason mom was even living with you. Deacon you can't get mad at me for not knowing you don't keep your girl in the loop. I thought she was your forever... I thought she was going to be my sister in law someday so excuse me for thinking you two communicate," Carson said.

"Don't be a smart ass! Cecilia and I do communicate but I don't want her worrying about things she shouldn't worry about," I said.

"Man knowing that our mother is dying is something she should know! You should be leaning on her right now not keeping her in the dark," Carson reasoned.

"I'm going to tell her I'm just waiting until we're back home," I said.

"Fine... you talk to Alex?" Carson asked.

I shook my head no.

Alex is our youngest brother. He is in his senior year of high school. When my mother moved in with me I of course wanted him to move in too. But he decided to go live with our dad. Lately Alex has been totally up our dad's ass.

"I'm sure living in dad's mansion with his young wife is way more appealing than living with his older brother and dying mother. I mean it's his senior year..." Carson said.

"Still mom has always been there for us! Dad isn't shit," I said.

"Come on dad hasn't always been a dick," Carson said.

"Are you blind! Yes he has! He left our mother for some young thot who is only with his old ass for his money! Our mom is dying while he's off trying to live like he's back in his twenties!" I argued.

"Deacon be fair... Dad didn't get with that girl until after him and mom were done," Carson said.

"They weren't even legally divorced before he moved in with that whore! He served mom with divorce papers when he proposed to that girl! Then kicked her out of our childhood home! Wake up Carson dad is and will always be a dick!" I said upset.

"Deacon all this resentment towards dad isn't good. You need to go talk to him... make amends before mom dies. He'll be the only parent we have left," Carson said.

"Fuck off Carson I'm not talking to dad! My only concern is mom! Show some damn loyalty and give mom some respect and be there for her too!" I said.

"Mom wouldn't want us to pick sides...." Carson said.

"Whatever I'm not listening to this," I said as I got up and stormed off.

Our mom is dying and Carson is more worried about me making amends with our dad!

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