Chapter 54

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

It had been two weeks since I had the photoshoot with Lance and then had to add more to our interview. My boss ended up calling me while at the photoshoot to get an interview with Lance and his new fiancé. Lets just say my interview that was first supposed to be about Lance and only him, ended up being about his engagement announcement.

Yup my whole article was now focused on the football star reconnecting with high school sweetheart. I was so disgusted. They got photos of Lance and Tiffany and lets just say she loved all the attention and Lance is so blind.

I had spoken with my boss to see if a raise could be worked out or new job position. Lucky for me Lance had spoken so highly of me after our first interview that my boss wants to make me head of celebrity interviews. She sees that I'm professional and not star struck.

Now that I knew my job was secure I was finally looking for myself a place.

I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon but before that I was going to look at apartments. My budget couldn't afford condos so an apartment it would be.

My father insisted on coming apartment shopping with me because he said he needed to make sure his daughter and grandchild would be in a safe neighborhood.

Lets just say my father hasn't liked a single place we've looked at so far and his presence was starting to irk me.

"Dad that is the fourth place you've hated!" I said as we got back in my father's car.

"Cecilia that place had roaches," my father said disgusted as he started the car.

"And you act like bug spray isn't a thing?" I questioned.

"Really? You and that baby will not live in a place that is infected with bugs!" my father argued.

"Dad you are finding something wrong with every place we see. First it was the place was too small for the price. Then it was there is too much noise on this street. Lets not forget "I don't like how those gangsters in the parking lot were looking at you"... Dad you need to seriously stop," I whined.

"Cecilia you are a single young woman that is pregnant! You are my daughter! I want you safe... I get you want to be independent sweetheart but your budget can't afford my peace of mind! I have a place where I'm good friends with the developer and he said we could go look at one of his condos. He is willing to rent you out one at a price you can afford," my father said as he drove.

"Dad I don't want the family discount to get a place I could never afford if you weren't my father!" I argued.

"Cecilia I understand all that but you can't control where you come from. I will be damned if my daughter lives in a shitty run down apartment when she doesn't have to. I didn't work my ass off all these years so my kids would grow up and leave the house just to struggle. Don't be too prideful to take the help," my father said.

I just shut my mouth and didn't speak the rest of the way to the condo building my father took us too.

When my father arrived at the condo building the worker was ready to show us the unit that was available. Lets just say the tour wasn't surprising the place was super nice. It was just what I was accustomed to.

When we went over price it was in my price range but I knew for a fact this place had to cost way more than I was being told.

I told the worker I'd think about it and get back to them. My father seemed annoyed but I didn't care. I didn't want him involved in this.

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