Chapter 65

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Deacon P.O.V.

I knocked on the door as I stood outside of my brother's condo. I was out in LA for the next couple of days. I was meeting with who could be my new boss as my current boss got me an interview lined up with a company out here. As much as I wanted to stay with the company I'm with they just didn't have any job openings out here.

I was hoping everything would end up working out and this job interview would go well.

I can't see myself living in a whole other state from my child.

The door opened as Carson finally answered it.

"Bro what a surprise... you didn't tell me you were coming in to town," Carson said as he stood back.

"I know it was kind of last minute. I got an interview tomorrow morning," I said as I walked inside his condo.

"Well that's good right?" Carson asked as he closed the door.

"Yeah it can be. I mean if Cecilia and my child are out here I want to be out here," I said.

"Speaking of Cecilia I haven't gotten a hold of her. I called her but she didn't answer," Carson said.

"Strange.... I mean she never called me back after that prick answered her phone either. Let me call her now," I said.

I pulled my phone out and dialed Cecilia's number.

Since I was out here I wanted to see her and make sure she was doing ok. I was hoping she'd be up for meeting up with me.

The phone rang a couple times then there was an answer.

"Hello," said a male voice.

You've got to be kidding me?

This fucker was answering her phone again!

What the hell was going on?

"Can I speak to Cecilia," I said already annoyed by this fool.

"Excuse me who is this?" he said as if he didn't know.

I know damn well my number is stored in Cecilia's phone so I come up on the caller id when I call her. This fucker seriously needed to stop playing games.

"You know who the hell this is put Cecilia on the phone!" I said losing my patience.

"Oh is this her no good, cheating, lying, heart breaking ex?" Lance taunted.

"No this is the father of her unborn child and I swear if you don't put her on the phone right now-"

"What Deacon! What will you do? You see I think you're all talk. Because from where I'm standing I think I've got the upper hand here. I mean Cecilia has been staying with me since she got here and we've been getting real close. I knocked you out once... I could very well do it again," Lance taunted.

"Man shut up and put her on the phone!" I said now irritated.

"Sorry I can't do that. She's in the shower," Lance said suggestively.

"Bullshit give her the phone!" I snapped.

"I'm not lying. She really is in the shower. We had a pretty long night last night if you know what I mean. You know we're both just trying to get over our no good exes. You know what they say... to get over someone you should probably get under someone new. Cecilia even pregnant knows how to rock a man's world," Lance said.

"Shut the fuck up you sick son of a bitch! I swear on everything I love I will kick your ass if you touch her!" I snapped.

"Sure Deacon... look I gotta go. Cecilia might be ready for round two. Oh I promise I'll be careful with her.... we wouldn't want to harm the baby," Lance laughed sinisterly before hanging up on me.

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