Chapter 15

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

"Don't you look cute," Mrs. Sharp said as I entered the kitchen.

I was in this long sleeve cropped sweater with a high waist skirt. I had on heels and my hair was half up half down. I was headed to work.

I have been taking some online classes for a while now and figured out what degree I wanted. I want a degree in Journalism.

I currently work at an up and coming magazine company.

The magazine is available only online and its been getting a lot of buzz.

We have a company mixer this upcoming weekend and I wasn't going to go but now that Deacon and I are better than ever I think I will. I would love for my work friends to meet my boyfriend.

"Thanks Mrs. Sharp. I'm headed to work," I said.

"Oh that's right you have an internship with a magazine company right?" Mrs. Sharp asked.

"Yeah it started off as an internship but now I've been hired as a writer. My boss liked the short self help articles I wrote for young girls and decided I should move up and get my own column," I explained.

"Well look at you. A new up and coming columnists," Mrs. Sharp said proudly.

"I was thinking my next piece would be about childhood sweethearts. I mean Deacon would be my inspiration for that," I blushed.

"If I'm being honest I always hoped you two would end up together. You are the daughter I always wanted but never had. Caleb and Zoey did a great job raising you... and to think your father was a hot mess when your mother and him first got together," Mrs. Sharp said.

"Yeah my parents hate telling my brother and I about their past. My dad was pretty wild I take it?" I asked.

"Him and my ex husband both.... But I'm glad your mother's love calmed your father down and settled him..." Mrs. Sharp said sadly.

"Do you ever miss Deacon's father?" I asked.

"I'd be lying to say I didn't. I guess what I really miss is how he and I were in the beginning. In the beginning he treated me the way a man should. Evan is and always will be my first love. I experienced all my firsts with him.... To this day he is still the only man I've ever been intimate with. I was a virgin when I got with him. Then I started having children and got caught up in the housewife role. I wish I had of been more independent and put my wants in life first before settling down. Cecilia I love you and my son together and I'd love for you two to get married and have children... but a word of advice. Put yourself first be a little selfish and make sure you are settled in where you want to be career wise before settling down with my son. The one regret I have is not putting my needs before my ex husband's," Mrs. Sharp said.

I always loved talking with Deacon's mom. She always had such great advice.

"Can I tell you something a little personal..." I asked.

"Of course," she said.

"Deacon has mentioned wanting us to have a child together... it seems more than ever he's mentioning it more regularly now since learning that your cancer is not getting any better. I do want to be a mother but I'm only twenty-one and I know I'm not ready for motherhood just yet. How do I tell him I want kids but not any time soon..." I said.

"Cecilia it is your body which means it is your decision. You make sure my son always uses protection and if he refuses then straight up cut him off from your body. Evan was a smooth talker and while I'm not proud of it I was putty in his hands and gave in each time he wanted to have a child. I had to finally put my foot down after Alex," Mrs. Sharp said.

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