Chapter 32

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

"So tell me all about LA Bean," my mother said.

I was back home in Atlanta. I sat at the kitchen counter as my mother was fixing some dinner.

"It was nice. The guy I had to interview was attractive. He actually let me come see him practice and workout," I said.

"Well that's nice. He was a gentleman right," my mother said.

"Yeah mom there was no funny business. We actually have a lot in common," I said.

"You do? Like what?" my mother asked.

"Well for starters he has HIV like me," I said.

"He does... how did that subject come up?" my mother asked.

"He was just being open about his life story for the article and told me. I was tempted to tell him about me having it too but I didn't," I said.

"Well do you think you two will see each other again?" my mother asked.

"He gave me his number and said if I was ever in the area and wanted tickets to a game to feel free to hit him up," I said.

"Well be careful... he is an athlete right," my mother said.

"Yeah he's an athlete but what's that matter?" I questioned.

"Well I've been with a professional athlete before... things aren't always as they seem Bean," my mother warned.

"It's fine mom. I probably won't even call him or see him again. I was kind of distracted a bit anyway," I said.

"How come?" my mother asked.

"Well Deacon was out in LA while I was there. The first night I got there I had dinner with his brother Carson and he interrupted it and went off on us. He accused us of hooking up or something. Then he apologized the next day and drove me to the guy's house I was interviewing. He asked me to dinner but I declined then he brought me flowers and apologized again for hurting me and breaking my trust. Mom I'm so torn on whether or not to forgive him and just move on like nothing ever happened or keep him at arm length," I said.

"Well Bean you and Deacon go way back. Remember you two were friends before you got romantically involved. While I know his actions have hurt you you gotta try to separate your romantic feelings and hurt from your friendship with him. Deacon just lost his mother and I'm sure he could use a friend right now," my mother said.

"I just feel so slighted. I mean he didn't come to me about anything concerning his mother before she died. He went to that nurse of hers for comfort and pushed me away," I said.

"Bean sometimes men do stupid things. I'm sure Deacon just didn't want to stress you out," my mother said.

"Even so he should have trusted me enough to tell me how he was feeling. I'm not a mind reader. How can I be there for him if he won't lean on me," I said.

"I know things are tough but I believe you and Deacon are meant to be. Your father and I went through hell and back before we got settled and had our happy ending. Right now I think it is best you and Deacon see other people I mean you both are really young. But in doing that I do hope you two try to remain friends and you try to be there for him as much as he'll let you," my mother said.

I nodded in understanding as my father entered the kitchen.

"Hi baby girl," my father said as he walked over to me.

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