Chapter 10

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Deacon P.O.V.

I woke up naked with my arms wrapped around my naked girlfriend.

Last night I came over to Cecilia's after work.

We finally had a talk and made up.

We also made love for the first time.

Damn was that sex good.

My girl was perfect.

She was most definitely worth the wait.

I ran my hand down her back and squeezed her ass.

She was sleeping on my chest.

I kissed her forehead.

I watched as her eyes opened and she looked up at me.

"Morning beautiful," I said.

She smiled and leaned up to kiss me.

"Morning handsome," she whispered against my lips.

"Last night was...-"

"Perfect," she finished.

"Yeah it was perfect... you were perfect," I said.

Cecilia bit her bottom lip and I swear she doesn't know how sexy she looks when she does that shit.

"Come here," I said as I grabbed her cheek pulling her in for a kiss.

Cecilia climbed on top of me as I kissed her.

Fuck she's making my dick hard.

Now that I've had sex with her I'm most definitely gonna want to do this often.

I flipped Cecilia onto her back and got on top of her as she spread her legs.

I wrapped her legs around me as I grinded my dick into her.

"Babe if you wanna fuck you better get a condom," she warned me.

"Fuck... I wanna feel your pussy raw..." I growled into her ear.

I know I sounded like an animal but I wasn't lying. If she felt as good as she did when I wore protection I know she'll feel amazing when we're just skin to skin.

I heard Cecilia let out a soft moan.

Damn she's sexy.

"Babe get off me before we do something we shouldn't," she reasoned as she pushed at my chest.

I moved off her and Cecilia got out of bed.

I just admired her naked body as she moved through her bedroom.


I just realized where we were.

"Baby your parents aren't home are they?" I asked a bit panicked.

I did not make love to my girlfriend for the first time in her daddy's house while he was home did I?

Cecilia picked up her cell phone from her nightstand.

"My mom texted me last night. Her and my father got a hotel for the night. I'm guessing they had the same kind of night we did," Cecilia smiled as she put her phone down.

"I so don't want to think about your parents having sex. Thanks for that unneeded information baby," I laughed.

Cecilia just laughed.

"Well since they aren't here... want to shower with me then I'll make you breakfast before you head to work," Cecilia said.

"I have a better idea," I said with a smirk.

I reached for Cecilia and pulled her back in bed with me.

"Fuck, shower, eat... in that order baby girl," I said.

Cecilia giggled and I kissed her.

Cecilia and I did just what I said in that order.

She had to grab a condom from her brother's room since I didn't have anymore on hand.

After we fucked we then showered where I couldn't keep my hands off her.

Then she cooked us breakfast while I again couldn't keep my hands to myself.

Which brings us to me fucking her on the kitchen counter.

"UHH Deacon..FUCK....Babe don't stop! FUCK! DON'T STOP!" Cecilia moaned as I pounded her pussy while she sat up on the counter.

Yeah I gotta get my girl to my house more often so we can do this on my furniture not her parents.

Although I do have a pretty full house now.

Yes I made sure to wrap up before I took my baby in the kitchen.

We gotta stay safe no matter what.

We'd both taken the measures necessary to get to this moment. But still we couldn't be too careful given my girl's diagnosis.

When Cecilia and I were done I helped her off the counter.

She moved past me and grabbed some Clorox wipes.

She wiped down the counter we'd just fucked on.

"We're so bad," Cecilia giggled.

"No you're just so sexy I can't keep my hands off you," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Babe enough. Go get dressed before you're late for work," Cecilia said.

"Shit baby you're right. I still gotta stop by my place to change," I said.

I quickly ran upstairs to put on my clothes. I told Cecilia I'd call her then I rushed out of the house.

I had to rush over to my house to change quickly so I'd still manage to get to the office on time.

When I got home I rushed upstairs to my bedroom.

I quickly changed then rushed back down the stairs.

"Where have you been all night? I was worried," I heard a voice behind me as I got to the front door.

I turned around and saw Tiffany behind me. She was in nothing but a towel and her hair was wet. It was like she just showered.

"Oh hey Tiffany. I really gotta get going before I'm late to work," I said.

"Deacon a call to tell me you weren't coming home last night would have been nice? I was worried. What if something happened to your mom and I needed you," Tiffany said.

"Tiffany you have my number in case of emergency. My mother's alright though right?" I asked.

"Yeah you're mother is fine. The doctor actually told her she can come home today," Tiffany said.

"That's great," I said.

"Will you be home after work today? I was going to cook us all dinner... you know to welcome her back home," Tiffany said.

"Sure I'll be here. But I really gotta go," I said.

"Alright well have a good day," she said.

"Thanks," I said as I rushed out.

My mom was coming home and I was back on good terms with my girlfriend.

Things were looking up.

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