Chapter 66

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Deacon P.O.V.

I sat in shock as I'd just heard the news of Tiffany's death.

I was sitting on the couch flipping through channels when I saw a breaking news report.

Apparently Tiffany was driving drunk and ran off the road hitting a guard rail then tree. She died upon impact they were saying.

As much drama as Tiffany brought to my life I didn't think the girl deserved death.

But to think that she would be driving drunk just seemed off to me for some reason.

She just didn't seem like the type.

"Sad huh. They found like two empty bottles of liquor in her car, right," Carson said as he sat down beside me.

"That's what they're reporting," I said.

"What's up... you sound skeptical?" Carson said as he looked over at me.

"I don't know. It just seems weird to me that she'd drive drunk and basically kill herself. I mean the girl got back with Lance right after we ended things. Then they break up only for her to go spread his personal business with tabloids for her own gain. The girl was good about make sure she was always on the come up. So why drink and drive?" I questioned.

"Who knows man? Hollywood is fucked up. Maybe it all just became too much for her or maybe it was simply an accident. I mean who says she meant to run herself off the road," Carson reasoned.

"I guess you're right. Too bad she didn't have family," I said.

"She didn't?" Carson questioned.

"Well I think she had her mom but I don't really know too much about that. I just know she lost her grandma and her mom was her caretaker.... It's what made her want to become a nurse," I said.

"Oh... I have to say I would have thought you would have known a whole lot more about the chick considering you were gonna wife her," Carson joked.

"Hey don't start... I was a mess when mom died and just wanted to drown my sorrows. It was so easy getting lost between Tiffany's legs instead of talking about how I really felt. You don't know how much I wish I did things differently... I mean if I had of Cecilia and I would still be together. Hell we'd still be Atlanta and Lance wouldn't even be in the picture," I said.

"Speaking of Cecilia have you called her back?" Carson asked.

"No I haven't actually. Let me call her right now," I said.

I pulled my phone out and called Cecilia.

Her phone didn't even ring it just went straight to voicemail.

I hung up and sighed.

"What?" Carson asked.

"It went straight to voicemail," I said.

"Well leave a message. I'm sure that Lance guy never told her you called," Carson said.

"You're probably right," I said.

I called Cecilia again and decided to leave a message.

"Hey Cecilia it's me Deacon. I've called you a couple times and Lance has answered instead of you. I'm not sure if he's giving you my messages so that's why I'm calling again. I'm out in LA for an interview and I know you're out here too. I was hoping you could come by Carson's so we can talk. Anyway I hope you and the baby are doing ok. Call me when you get this... bye."

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