Chapter 61

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I was in my room looking over my things knowing I'd have a lot to pack if I planned on moving to LA.

I had called my boss and accepted the job this morning after my father stormed out of the house.

Deacon's texts last night just confirmed I needed to put myself first and only count on myself to give this baby a stable life.

Deacon is so unpredictable at this point and reckless that I don't even know if I even want him involved as a weekend father.

As I sat on my closet floor looking over my things I got a text alert on my phone.

It was from twitter.

The headline read, "Lance Witten HIV positive! Ex fiancée tells all."

I was shocked as I clicked on the headline and began reading the article.

Tiffany had gone to the press about Lance and before my article about him was even published.

That woman was truly evil.

How could she do this to him?

As I scrolled through the article I saw that Tiffany was going to be on an entertainment news show later on tonight and would be giving personal accounts in an interview.

I clicked on a clip that was teasing the video interview.

"Lance and I were high school sweethearts. He was also a hot shot athlete but seemed to have a heart of gold. Since becoming a famous quarterback he's been so different. He's a womanizer, a cheat, and a liar. He didn't even tell me he had HIV. I had to hear it from the woman he cheated on me with. He is sick and spreading his illness around to countless women. I'm glad I ended our relationship when I did. While it was hard to walk away from someone I've loved for so long I'm a stronger person today for making that hard decision."

The clip ended and I was so angry.

Tiffany is such a master manipulator. How could she do this to Lance?

I went through my contacts and called Lance.

I wondered had he seen the news yet.

I know this had to hurt him.

He loved her and was willing to give her the world.

The phone rang a couple times then he finally answered.

"Hello," he said.

"Hey Lance it's me Cecilia," I said.

"Have you seen the news? Tiffany went to the press about my HIV. She's making it look like I cheated on her and caught it then hid it from her!" he said upset.

"I know I read the article and saw the interview clip. Lance she is a liar and you could take legal action against her for this," I said.

My grandfather was a retired judge and my grandmother was a retired lawyer. I knew a thing or two about the law and Tiffany needed to be punished.

"My mom is already working on it. But Tiffany lying is not what hurts the most about all this. It's the fact that I trusted her and she would just betray me and tell my business publically in such a malicious manner. I was only ever good to that girl and this is how she wants to do me," Lance said.

"Lance she is a money hungry bitch and a want to be fame whore now. I know this is hard but you told your story in my article. The truth will come out," I said.

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