Chapter 9

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I heard the doorbell ring and I headed downstairs. I was home alone since my parents went out for a date night and my brother was over at Madison's house with the baby.

You'd think I'd enjoy being home alone.

I don't.

I wish I were on good terms with my boyfriend and spending time with him.

I got to the front door and opened it. To my surprise Deacon was standing there.

I knew he was just coming from work because he was in his suit and tie.

He looked handsome but I hadn't forgotten about our fight.

I was still mad at how he went off on me.

"What," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest having an attitude.

"Can I come in? Can we talk," Deacon said.

He seemed down.

I might be mad at him but he's still my man so I'm willing to talk to him and let him in.

"Yeah," I said.

I stood back and he walked inside.

I shut the door and locked it then we headed upstairs to my bedroom.

When we got to my bedroom Deacon took off his suit jacket and loosened his tie getting comfortable.

I closed the door as he sat down on my bed.

I stood over by the door just giving us a little space.

"I'm sorry. I was a complete asshole to you baby. But you gotta understand I'm just under a lot of pressure right now," he said.

"Being under a lot of pressure doesn't mean you shut down on me and push me away. It also doesn't give you a right to disrespect me like I don't mean shit to you. Deacon I understand you are going through a lot right now but that gives you no right to treat me badly. I want to be here for you through all this but in order for me to do that you have to talk to me not yell at me and shut me out," I explained.

"I know it's just hard for me. I've always had to be the strong one. I'm the oldest. Then with you I don't want to dump all my problems on you after all you've been through," he said.

"Deacon I'm your woman... I'm who you have to dump your problems on just like I can dump my problems onto you because you're my man. I know I've been through a lot but I'm very capable of being there for you. You just gotta let me in. You don't always gotta be strong for me. Let me help take some of the stress you're feeling away. Tell me what's going on," I said.

"How much time you got?" he asked with a smirk.

"I have all the time in the world for you," I said.

"Well let me start with this morning... my father stopped by my office. He basically said my brother has to come live with me because his new wife is pregnant and they are preparing the house for twin baby girls," Deacon said.

"Is there a reason why Alex can't stay there with the babies being there too?" I asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I just think my father wants to forget about the family he had with my mother now that he is making a brand new one," Deacon said.

"I'm sorry babe. I wish your father would think about you and your brothers... does he still not know about your mother?" I asked.

"No he doesn't know about my mother and we're keeping it that way. He wouldn't give a damn anyway. He's a selfish prick," Deacon said frustrated.

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