Chapter 52

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I pulled into the driveway as my mother and I arrived home from LA. Being in LA was nice and seeing Carson was great.

I had made a big decision while being there. It was a decision I had my mother's support with.

My mother and I got out of the car and she grabbed her suitcase.

I locked my car as we headed to the front door.

As we walked up to the front door it opened and my father was standing in the doorway.

I was hoping since we were getting back so late since the drive was a bit long he'd be asleep.

My father saw my mother and I saw his eyes light up.

He licked his lips as she came towards him.

"Did you have a safe trip?" he asked my mother as we approached the door.

My mother ignored his question and pushed at his chest to move him backwards. She walked into the house and I was right behind her.

"Zoe, baby talk to me," my father said to my mother as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Let go of me Caleb. You should be way more concerned with apologizing to Bean than speaking to me. We'll talk later," my mother, said as she got out of his hold.

My mother walked past my father and headed upstairs.

My father and I stood in the entryway both silent.

My father closed the front door and I didn't really know what to say.

"Are you ok? Is your baby ok?" my father asked.

"You mean the baby I needed to kill in order to stay in this house.... Yeah dad we're doing just fine," I said still angry.

I mean my father told me to abort my baby or I wasn't allowed in his home. He basically wanted to disown me for being pregnant by Deacon.

"Cecilia I'm sorry for my reaction to your pregnancy. What I said was wrong but it wasn't coming from a mean place. I'm just protective over you is all and I know that Sharp boy is nothing but trouble. But I did have a talk with him while your mother and you were gone. He and I might not see eye to eye but I won't stand in the way of you two co-parenting if you decide to let him be involved," my father said.

"Are you only saying this because mom is making you?" I asked.

"Your mother doesn't make me do anything," my father argued.

I raised my eyebrow and gave my dad a look like I wasn't buying it.

"Ok maybe your mother makes me do most things but I'm genuinely sorry baby girl. Cecilia you are my first born and I only want the best for you," my father said sincerely.

"Well thanks for the apology. I actually decided something while away with mom," I said.

"What did you decide?" my father asked.

"I'm going to have my baby and I'm moving out. I also have decided I no longer want any financial help from you. I want to be one hundred percent financially independent," I said.

"Cecilia you're twenty one. You don't make enough money to support a child on your own and pay rent," my father said.

"I'm going to ask my boss about a better position... maybe even relocating. Dad I might not be able to give my baby the life I had at first due to the fact that I'm not rich. But I will give my baby all it's needs and unconditional love," I said.

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