Chapter 20

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

The morning of Mrs. Sharp's funeral I debated if I should reach out to Deacon or not. I hadn't seen or talked to him since the night he came over here drunk off his ass begging for me to forgive him.

I had been talking to Carson a lot. My parents actually allowed him to stay in our guest room while he was in town for the funeral.

I slipped my phone into my clutch and headed downstairs.

We'd all be leaving any minute to get to the church.

I got downstairs and saw my parents gathered in the living room with Carson.

"Ready Bean?" my mother asked.

I nodded.

My father and my mother walked out first and Carson and I followed them.

"Have you talked to Deacon?" I asked Carson as we walked to the car.

"No. He's ignored my calls. We'll talk after he cools off," Carson said as he opened the car door for me.

I slipped into the backseat and Carson got in after me.

The car ride to the church was quiet. I couldn't really read Carson.

He didn't seem overly sad or anything. He seemed just normal.

Maybe with Deacon going off the rails he was taking on the older brother role and acting as if he had it all together.

The car ride was pretty quiet.

My father pulled up outside the church and parked the car.

As we all got out of the car I noticed Noah and Alex pull up in their car behind us.

They walked over to us and we all exchanged hugs.

"I'm really sorry for your loss guys," I said to them.

"Thanks Cecilia," Alex and Noah said.

Alex and Noah walked off and I saw them go over to Deacon who was standing on the curb with Tiffany.

I can't believe he brought her with him?

But then again I guess I actually could believe it.

I bet since our break up they've done nothing but fuck all over his house.

I know the kind of sex drive Deacon has and with the heart eyes he had for Tiffany there was nothing stopping them from being together now that I was out of the picture.

"Bean should we go over and speak to Deacon?" my mother asked.

"I'm giving him space mom," I lied as I went on head and walked with Carson into the church.

My father followed us but I noticed my mother stopped to speak to Deacon.

I hadn't told my parents about our break up. It just wasn't the right time to bring up my relationship drama.

I got seated in the row behind Carson. His brothers and him would be sitting in the front row since they were family.

I saw when Deacon walked in and sat down at the furthest end of the row. He's still beefing with Carson I see.

I saw Tiffany about to come sit in the row behind them like my family had. But then Deacon stopped her and grabbed her hand. He had her sit down beside him.

It hurt seeing that knowing that if things hadn't happen the way they did I'd be the one in that seat not her.

I placed my hand to Carson's shoulder and he placed his hand over mine and looked back.

"She's sitting beside him," I whispered.

"Cecilia he's acting like a dumbass but he loves you. She's nothing but a placeholder. Don't worry," Carson said.

As Carson and I continued to talk his father walked up with his wife.

His father ask him to move down and Carson did as he asked.

Mr. Sharp and his wife sat down and I looked down the row and already saw Deacon's head in their direction.

I watched as Deacon stood up and walked over to this end of the row.

Oh hell there is about to be a scene.

"This row is for family only! You and her need to move to the row behind us," Deacon said to his father.

"Deacon it's fine," Carson spoke up.

"Fuck off Carson. Dad move," Deacon said tensely.

"Deacon do not start! I am very much family! I am your father. Now go sit down and stop making a scene," his father said.

"You killed her!" Deacon shouted angrily at his father.

"You sure you want to do this here! In front of all these people! At the ceremony to lay your mother to rest! Think Deacon! Think! I know we have our issues but lets table this for today and handle this some other time," his father reasoned.

I could see Deacon's nostrils flare. This wasn't going to end well.

"You just had to come over and argue with her! You had to keep stressing her out to the very end! Even a divorce didn't keep you from still making her life a living hell! She loved you with everything in her and you left her! You left all of us!" Deacon snapped.

Deacon's father stood up.

I really wanted someone to step in and stop them. But everyone was just letting this father son show down happen.

"Are you drunk?" his father asked as he reached for Deacon's sunglasses.

I found it interesting that Deacon was still wearing his sunglasses even though he was inside.

Deacon slapped his father's hand away from his face.

"Deacon sit down! You are making a scene and embarrassing this family!" Deacon's father said sternly.

"I'm embarrassing the family! Me! I think you got that covered dad! I mean how old are you and trying to start over with a girl old enough to be your daughter!" Deacon shouted.

"That's enough. Lets take a walk," his father said as he grabbed Deacon's arm.

"Get the fuck off me!" Deacon shouted as he pushed his father off him.

Deacon seemed so frustrated and angry.

It's like he's mad at everyone.

"Fuck you! Fuck all of you! This ain't a family! Mom was the glue holding us all together and now that she's gone fuck this! Shit is never gonna be the same!" Deacon said upset.

I saw Deacon rushed own the aisle.

He was leaving!

He couldn't leave!

This was his mother's funeral!

He'd regret it if he left and didn't say one final goodbye.

Against my better judgment I got up and went after him.

I promised his mother I'd always be there for him. It was clear he needed someone right now I was just hoping he'd be receptive to me.

I walked out of the church and saw Deacon getting in his car.

I quickly hurried down the stairs and opened the passenger door.

I slipped into his car closing the door behind me.

Deacon looked over at me and before I could even say a word he took off, leaving the church. 

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