Chapter 41

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Deacon P.O.V.

"It's so nice being out on a brunch date," Tiffany smiled as she sipped on a mimosa.

Tiffany and I were out for some food having a little mid morning date. This was actually one of the first times we were out on like a real date like a couple. It felt nice but different.

I mean I hadn't dated since Cecilia so this was new.

I moved my food around my plate thinking about my last phone conversation with Cecilia.

It didn't go well at all.

To know that she and Alex along with Carson were all hanging out with some quarterback prick pissed me off. I was sure she was being his fucking groupie and my brothers were so disloyal. I would deal with Alex when he got back though.

"Earth to Deacon! Did you not hear me? Tiffany questioned.

"What huh?" I asked as I looked up.

"I said being out on a date is nice. Don't you agree?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah. It's cool," I said.

"Cool? Deacon what's up you seem distracted. You've been like this since last night when you were talking to your ex... which reminds me let me see your phone," Tiffany said with her hand out.

"What do you need to see my phone for?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it just hand the phone over!" she said sternly.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to her.

"What's the passcode?" she asked.

"Here just let me put it in," I said as I reached for the phone.

"Why can't you just tell me the passcode? Am I not your woman?" Tiffany questioned.

"Tiff don't make a scene... just let me put the code in," I said.

"Make a scene? Deacon I'm not some weak bitch like your ex. You got me fucked up if you think you're about to play me. Tell me the fucking passcode before I really embarrass your ass in this restaurant," Tiffany threatened.

"Tiff chill! People are starting to stare!" I warned her.

What the hell was her problem?

"Forget it! Keep your fucking secrets," Tiffany said upset as she threw my phone down on the table at me and stood up.

"Tiffany- I started but she quickly cut me off.

"I'll be waiting outside by the car! Fucking dick," Tiffany said upset as she stormed out of the restaurant.

What just happened?

I was seriously confused.

I paid the bill and then got up and headed out of the restaurant. I walked across the parking lot to my car and unlocked the doors.

I saw Tiffany get into the car and slam the door.

Oh hell...

I opened the door and got into the car. I closed the door and not a second later did she slap me.

"What the fuck!" I said caught off guard.

"You said you were gonna block her number out of respect for this relationship! Are you just playing with me Deacon? Are you not serious about us having kids and getting married?" Tiffany questioned.

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