Chapter 64

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

"So do you have a favorite out of the places we looked at?" Veronica asked.

Veronica and I had looked at five places and I think I liked two of them the most out of all of them.

We were now sitting outside at a restaurant for lunch as I tried to decide which place to go with.

"Yeah I think I like the third and fourth place most. I like the location of the third place but the floor plan of the fourth is better," I explained.

"Well those are both great options," Veronica said.

"Yeah I think I'll talk it over with my parents first to get their opinion before I make a decision," I said.

"Do you always have to run these kinds of things by your parents before making a decision. I mean you're an adult you don't need your mom and dad's approval," Veronica said.

"I know I just like hearing their opinion is all... I know they only want the best for me," I said.

"Sure..." Veronica said as she took a drink of her water.

"So how long have you been Lance's sport's agent?" I asked.

"Since he has been a professional athlete. His mother and I are old college friends," Veronica said.

"Oh... well do you have kids... a husband?" I asked.

"I'm single and no I don't have children," Veronica said.

"So you really never found anyone to settle down with after my father?" I asked.

"No Cecilia I didn't. I loved your father so much.., there wasn't anything I wouldn't have done to be with him. But your mother just couldn't let us be happy," Veronica said a bit bitter.

I reached for my water just as my cell phone rang.

I pulled my phone out and saw that Carson was calling me.

I was going to answer until I felt hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" I heard a cheerful male voice.

I smiled as he pulled his hands away from my face.

"You work everything out at your lawyer's office," I asked as Lance took a seat beside me.

"Yup the meeting went well. Tiffany will be dealt with. So how did house hunting go?" Lance asked.

"It went good. I have two places I like," I said.

"I'm glad my realtor and Veronica could help. Once you pick a place we should start furniture shopping. I know the nursery will be a huge task," Lance smiled as he ran his hand over mine underneath the table.

"Lance..." I said a bit embarrassed.

"Wait a minute... you're pregnant?" Veronica asked.

"Yeah," I said shyly.

I hadn't really told a lot of people about my pregnancy and I was still getting used to the idea of becoming a mom.

"And Lance you're the father?" Veronica questioned.

"No he's not the father my ex is," I clarified quickly.

"Yeah but her ex is a total dick and will probably be nothing but a dead beat. I'm here for Cecilia and her baby... whatever they need," Lance said.

"Well Deacon is actually wanting to be pretty involved with the baby. It's just how to co-parent from two different states is our biggest issue," I explained.

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