Chapter 43

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I grabbed my purse and keys and left my bedroom. I was headed to the clinic to get this abortion.

The sooner the better. I had to end this pregnancy.

I walked downstairs and as I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw my father at the door talking to someone.

"Who are you again and what business do you have with my daughter?" I heard my father ask.

I walked up beside my father and saw that Lance was here.

What the hell!

How did he find where I lived?

"Lance?" I questioned shocked by his presence.

"Cecilia you know this boy?" my father questioned.

"Yes daddy. I'll take it from here," I said.

I pushed past my father and grabbed Lance's hand as I walked outside.

I dragged him over to my car as my father closed the front door.

"Lance what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I woke up and you were gone. Cecilia please tell me you didn't run off and do what you promised me you wouldn't," Lance said.

"Lance this baby isn't yours so why do you care so much?" I asked.

"I told you what I went through with my ex. I wouldn't want you doing this simply because you feel like you have no support system. Look I don't know where you and the father of your baby stand or will stand in the future but I am here. You promised to go see a doctor before settling on having an abortion," Lance said.

"Lance I already made the appointment at the clinic to have the abortion. That's where I'm actually headed now. Look if you can't be supportive in my decision then fine but I've made up my mind," I said sternly.

"Cecilia that baby is innocent. Come on I know you are scared and confused but wasn't your baby made out of love?" Lance questioned.

"Lance I know you mean well but this has nothing to do with you. Didn't you say it was my body so it was my decision?" I questioned.

"Fine you want to do this then be woman enough to tell the father what you're doing. As the father of that child he deserves to know what you're doing before you go kill his child," Lance argued.

Lance was getting on my fucking nerves. How dare he side with Deacon just because of his past and his ex.

"Look I'm sorry about the girl who hurt you but I'm not her and my baby is not yours. I'm not telling the father shit and that is my right!" I argued.

"Cecilia please... go see an OBGYN first!" Lance pleaded.

I swear this man is doing the damn most!

"Fine if it will get you to shut the hell up then I will see my OBGYN first!" I said giving in.

I got in my car and Lance got in on the passenger side.

I called up my OBGYN and put the phone on speaker.

Lucky for me they had a cancelation and I could take the appointment slot up in the next hour.

After making my appointment I drove to my OBGYN's office.

I didn't say one word to Lance the entire drive there.

I think he knew his pushing had pissed me off.

When I got to the OBGYN office I parked in the parking garage then got out.

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