Chapter 24

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

Josie and I had been in the mall for over an hour. I had bought some new heels and a dress to wear out tonight. Josie had gotten her outfit too and now we were shopping for lingerie.

She said you never know who you could go home with so a new lingerie set was needed.

I was all for getting some sexy lingerie just for myself. I didn't think much about meeting someone and having a one-night stand tonight or anything.

I looked around and found a sexy two-piece set.

Josie walked off to the fitting room as I kept looking around.

As I picked out some more sexy pieces I saw a familiar face.

I noticed Tiffany across the store picking out some baby doll nighties.

I so didn't want to run into her of all people.

What was she even doing here?

Well duh she was buying sexy lingerie like I was. The only difference is I know who she is probably intending on wearing those pieces for.

I turned around to go in the opposite direction so I wouldn't end up being spotted by her. But I ended up bumping into someone and dropping my stuff.

"Sorry," I said as I quickly bent down to gather my lingerie.

As I bent down so did the person I bumped into.

I looked up as the person picked up my panties.

We locked eyes and I realized it was Deacon.

I hadn't seen Deacon since the day of his mother's funeral when he nearly killed us while driving drunk.

I took a long look at him noticing that he'd let his facial hair grow out.

"Sorry. I'll take those," I said as I reached for my panties.

Deacon handed them too me and we both stood up.

"Well I should go," I said.

"Cecilia wait," he said as he gently grabbed my arm.

"What Deacon?" I asked as I took a step back.

I didn't really want him touching me.

"How have you been?" he asked.

"Fine," I lied.

I'd been a mess. I'd been waiting to just get the news that I'm pregnant so I could make an appointment at the clinic.

"You look good," he said.

"I can't do this," I said.

"Do what?" he asked confused.

"Have small talk like things are normal," I said.

"Why can't we talk..." he asked.

"Deacon I told you I needed space. Clearly you are taking full advantage of that space," I said.

"What?" he questioned confused.

"I see your mother's nurse is still in the picture. I saw her over there picking out lingerie I can only assume is for your eyes. Look I don't even care I mean we're done so you're free to do who and what you want," I said.

"Cecilia she and I aren't together. She's leaving on Sunday but needed to pick up a few things. I've been pretty depressed since we last saw each other. She just asked me to come along with her on her errands to get me out of the house," Deacon said.

"Deacon don't act so naïve! I doubt she's leaving on Sunday and you being depressed is more than what she needs to get just want she wants," I said.

Deacon sighed.

"I miss you," he said.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Deacon," I said over his presence.

"Cecilia I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong but I'm not lying. I do miss you," Deacon said as he took a step towards me.

"I can't do this with you," I said.

"What? Talk?" he questioned.

"You're not good for me," I said.

"I made a mistake," Deacon said.

"Yeah a mistake that broke us!" I snapped.

Deacon held his head down.

"I hope that kiss was worth losing me Deacon because we're never getting back together," I said.

"But what if...." he said but trailed off.

"But what if what? What if you knocked me up? Is that what you were going to say?" I questioned upset.

Deacon was quiet.

"I guess you should know this now. If I turn up pregnant I'm not having the baby," I said.

Deacon looked up at me and seemed shocked.

"That's right if I'm pregnant by you I'm aborting the pregnancy," I admitted.

"Cecilia you can't do that!" he argued.

"It's my body and I'll do with it what I please. I'm not having a child with you Deacon. Not after what you did and how things are between us. I'm not bringing a baby into this dysfunction," I said.

"That's not fair! You can't just kill our baby!" he argued.

"I can and I most certainly will if I turn up pregnant by you. Look if you want a baby so bad go knock up Tiffany. I'm sure she'd more than love to have a baby by you," I said.

"I don't want a fucking baby by just any woman! I want a baby with you! If you're pregnant Cecilia you better fucking tell me before doing something stupid!" Deacon snapped.

"I don't have to tell you shit Deacon," I argued.

"What is the matter with you! This is a child's life we're talking about and you would just throw it away because I kissed another woman! Grow up Cecilia!" Deacon argued.

"You're telling me to grow up! Don't forget this wouldn't be the first time I would be terminating a pregnancy. I mean you did hold my hand supportively through an abortion before so don't act like you don't know what I'm capable of," I said.

"That was different! That man was your professor and married! He didn't want the child! I want our baby! I want you!" Deacon argued.

"Well that's just tough. Your mother told me something before she died. She told me to be selfish so I'm taking her advice," I said.

"I highly doubt my mom meant kill her first grandchild! Cecilia you aren't thinking clearly! Look I know I hurt you but to do something like this is wrong on so many levels," Deacon said.

"Look whether I have an abortion or don't is none of your concern. We are not together which means I owe you nothing. Have a nice life Deacon," I said as I walked away.

I was so pissed off.

I walked up to the check out counter as Tiffany was walking away with her purchased items.

I blocked her path and she looked at me caught off guard.

"He's all yours. I hope that lingerie serves you well tonight. He wants a baby so give him one," I said.

I walked past Tiffany and went to pay for my stuff.

Tiffany could have Deacon.

I was single and about to paint the town red tonight with no regrets. 

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