Chapter 48

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

As I stood outside of Lance's hotel suite with Tiffany there answering the door I was in complete shock.

Why was she here?

Shouldn't she be somewhere on Deacon's dick!

"Can I help you?" Tiffany said with a smirk.

"I think I have the wrong room," I said.

"Are you looking for Lance?" she asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Then you have the right room. Do you want to come in?" Tiffany asked.

What was this?

Some kind of set up?

Tiffany took a step back to let me inside.

I walked in hesitantly and saw clothes on the floor.

I saw Lance's pants, a skirt, a blouse, and both their shoes on the floor in a trail to the bedroom.

As I heard the door close I turned around and saw Tiffany in what looked like Lance's shirt.

It barely covered her ass, which I was more than sure didn't have panties on it.

I saw his boxers and her thong on the floor too.

So Lance really kissed me last night after punching my ex in defense of me only to end up sleeping with Tiffany.

I swear all men are the same!

Fucking assholes that only think with their dick!

"Lance is in the shower but you're welcome to wait for him," Tiffany said.

Tiffany walked off over to the kitchen and started cleaning up. I saw all these empty liquor bottles and empty plates.

It seems they had an active night.

I sat down on the couch and felt something underneath me. I pulled the item from under me and it was an empty condom wrapper.

I quickly dropped it on the floor in disgust.

Lance slept with her!

I stood up quickly not trusting that the couch wasn't infected with their sex germs.

As I got up I heard footsteps.

Lance walked out in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

His chest was still wet and his hair was wet and slicked back.

He looked good but it was clear he only had eyes for the barely dressed whore cleaning up.

He didn't even notice that I was here.

Tiffany was bent over picking something up and Lance came up behind her and slapped her ass.

"Lance!" Tiffany giggled.

Tiffany stood up and Lance backed her up by the counter.

Lance swiftly picked Tiffany up and sat her on top of the counter

Lance pulled the shirt up over Tiffany's head and threw it on the floor as he stood between her legs.

"Lance we can't," Tiffany said weakly as Lance started kissing on her neck.

"You weren't saying that last night when you were moaning my name baby," Lance said as he kept kissing on Tiffany.

Lance dropped his towel and I saw his bare butt cheeks.

"There are plenty of condoms in the bedroom. Lets go baby," Lace said as he picked Tiffany up.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms wet around his neck.

"I fucking missed you Tiff," Lance said as he started walking with her.

I cleared my throat and Lance finally realized I was here.

"Fuck! Shit!" he said caught off guard as he locked eyes with me.

I was so disgusted.

I hurried out of the hotel suite so disappointed.

I thought Lance was different.

As I headed down the hallway I hurried to the elevator.

"Cecilia wait!" I heard Lance call after me.

I pressed the call button to the elevator as Lance approached me.

"Lance go back to her and forget we ever met," I said.

"Cecilia I... I didn't expect any of this to happen. Look after I got back here last night I saw her drinking in the hotel bar. She was waiting for her room to be cleaned. We got to talking and caught up. One thing led to another and-"

"And you brought her up to your room and fucked her all night. Yeah I got the picture," I said disgusted.

"Cecelia I'm sorry but you know she and I have history and what she means to me," Lance reasoned.

"If you still were into her why the hell did you kiss me just hours before you went to bed with her!" I argued.

"Cecilia I'm sorry. I swear I didn't mean for any of this to happen," Lance apologized.

"It's whatever. I hope you two will be very happy together," I said as the elevator doors opened.

I got onto the elevator as Lance stood there with a towel wrapped around his waist looking apologetic.

I just rolled my eyes and shook my head so disappointed in the person he ended up being.

I guess I was back to square one.

I again had no one to turn to.

I was pregnant and completely alone. 

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