Chapter 69

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Deacon P.O.V.

I looked back and saw some woman I didn't know.

"Lance get up. What the hell are you two doing to my son," the woman said as she rushed past Carson and I.

Lance got up and straightened out his shirt.

"I'm fine mom. What are you doing here?" Lance asked his mother.

"I need to speak with you," his mother said to him.

"About?" he questioned.

"We need to go somewhere private," his mother said.

Lance shook his head but walked past me and Carson as his mother followed him.

"Man we need to get out of here. It's obvious Cecilia isn't here," Carson said.

"Yeah I guess you're right," I said.

I made a move to leave but Carson stopped in the doorway.

"Is that a fire?" Carson said as he pointed towards the backyard.

I turned around and looked out the window towards what was the backyard.

I saw what seemed to be a fire building at a small shack.

I thought maybe just call 911 and let them handle it. I mean this isn't my property so why should I help put out the fire.

But then I thought it was kind of weird of Lance's mother to show up and want to talk to him privately. Then my brother sees a fire when we can't find Cecilia yet Lance said she was here when he left.

"Shit!" I cursed as I ran out the back door.

I ran outside and went straight towards the fire. I found the one window to the place in flames.

I tried to look inside the window without getting burned and that's when I saw her.

"Fuck Carson help me find a water hose! Cecilia's in there!" I panicked.

I had gotten a glimpse of Cecilia passed out and tied to a chair.


Carson ran around the back as I found the one door to the shack.

It was on fire and there was no way I could open that door without burning myself.

"Here I found a hose," Carson said as he began spraying the shack with water to help die down the fire.


"Fuck man hurry up! I gotta get in there!" I panicked.

I pulled my phone out and called 911.

In a panic I spoke with the worker on the other end telling them we needed help.

I swear if Cecilia and my baby die in there I'll kill Lance with my bare hands for doing this.

Carson wasn't working fast enough and the longer I stood here doing nothing and waiting for help the more helpless I felt.

I pulled off my shirt and wrapped it around my hand.

"Deacon don't man!" Carson warned.

"I gotta save her!" I argued.

There were still flames near the door but Carson managed to get the flames died down a bit.

I took my chances and turned the doorknob to open the door.

The door opened and then the glass to the window shattered.

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