Chapter 26

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Deacon P.O.V.

"I'm really gonna miss your home cooked meals," I said as I finished up my dinner.

Tiffany and I were in the kitchen having dinner. After Cecilia's dad left I felt in a weird mood.

I get he was just protecting his daughter but it's just frustrating feeling like there are three people in my relationship instead of two like there should be. I mean Cecilia and I don't need him interfering in our business.

"Well you got my number so I'm only one call away if you ever need anything...and that goes for more than just food," Tiffany said.

"I think I've gotten in enough trouble behind you," I said with a light chuckle.

"Hey we're grown... What old girl's father pulled tonight was childish. It ain't like the girl is in high school. I mean you just lost your mother and instead of being here for you she's been petty and dipped," Tiffany said.

"I know it seems like she's being petty and childish but she's been through a lot. She expected more from me... hell I expected more from my damn self. But if we're being honest I at least expected to be given the benefit of the doubt. I mean she's put up with way more from way worse dudes. I know kissing you when she and I were together was wrong. Cheating on her was way out of character for me. I hate that I hurt her and that it's now ruined the chance of her and I even having a friendship. I've known that girl my whole life. She's and I have always been tight aside from our romantic feelings for each other. It just hurts knowing that right now when I need her most she can't be here for me," I explained honestly.

"And see that's what I don't get. She can't see past her own hurt feelings to be there for you when you just lost your mother. She's very selfish Deacon. I'm sorry but it's the truth. I know our kiss was wrong because trust me I've never been a man's second choice. But come on if she loved you she would have fought for you not walked away," Tiffany said.

As much as what Tiffany was saying sounded harsh it wasn't lies. I mean she had a point. Cecilia could have tried to forgive me. She could have at least had a real talk with me.

No instead she threatened to have an abortion if she turns up pregnant by me.

That shit hurt.

"She told me if she were to get pregnant by me she'd abort the baby," I admitted.

Tiffany's eyes went wide.

"So that's what she meant by saying you want a baby... so you and her didn't use protection?" Tiffany asked

"It was just once but that's all it takes. Honestly I could have used a condom but I didn't because she is who I'd want a baby with. Or at least she is who I did want a baby with. But after hearing her say she'd kill an innocent baby because I kissed another woman made me just see her differently. I lost my mom and now the one person who knows me like she did hates me and refuses to talk to me," I said sadly.

"How are you holding up? I mean really?" Tiffany asked as she reached across the table to touch my hand.

"I miss my mom a lot. I just feel like I have nothing you know. I mean I lost my mother and the girl I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with all at the same time," I said.

"I'm really sorry," Tiffany said.

"No I'm sorry. I'm sorry I kissed you and dragged you into all this. You've only ever been nice and understanding. You didn't deserve to be spoken to the way Cecilia's father spoke to you," I said.

"Deacon you are a good man and if she can't see that she doesn't deserve you. You don't deserve to be going through all this alone," Tiffany said.

"I'll be alright. I'm use to putting on a brave face. When you're the oldest of four boys you learn real quick you can't be weak," I said.

"Well I think that's not fair. Look I'm here for you. You can be weak with me all you want Deacon and I won't judge you," Tiffany said.

Tiffany got up and walked over to me.

She pulled me up and gave me a hug.

It felt nice having someone just care about me and my feelings.

It felt nice to not be talked down to or blamed for shit.

I held Tiffany in my arms tight never wanting to let her go.

This comfort was just what I needed.

As she slightly pulled away we locked eyes.

She looked up at me and I leaned down towards her.

I gently placed my hand to her cheek and pulled her in close.

I brushed my lips over hers and kissed her.

"Deacon we shouldn't do this... you're vulnerable and I don't want to be a rebound just because you need comfort," Tiffany said in a torn tone.

I didn't want to think logically I just wanted to feel good if only for this one night. My life has sucked for the past week since burying my mother. The girl I loved told me I was nothing to her and she would kill my unborn child.

I had nothing and no one to turn to. Tiffany was sweet and here for me.

So what would be wrong if I leaned on her a little more than I should?

"You wouldn't be a rebound. Tiffany you're a very kind woman and the last thing I want to do is use you or make you feel less than what you are worth. I have a lot of respect for you and if you want me to back off just say the word...." I said.

"Deacon that's the problem I don't want you to back off but I don't want us to rush this. I want to take it slow if this is going where I think it's going. I want to make sure these feelings we have are real," Tiffany said.

"Ok... I can respect that. I'm in no rush to jump into something so slow is fine," I said.

"I should clean up the dishes," Tiffany said.

"Leave it..." I said as I took her hand in mine.

"Deacon where are we going?" she asked.

"Upstairs to my bedroom," I said as I led the way.

"I thought we just-"

"Don't worry I heard you loud and clear. I just want to have some privacy is all... just in case Alex comes home soon," I said.

I got upstairs and led Tiffany into my bedroom.

I closed the door behind us then grabbed her by her face and kissed her.

I moved her backwards until she sat on my bed.

"You sure you gotta leave on Sunday?" I asked.

She bit her lip.

"Do you want me to stay?" she asked.

I nodded.

"I want you to stay... I need you here with me Tiffany... you're all I have now," I said.

Tiffany stood up and placed her hand behind my neck and pulled me down for a kiss.

I didn't know where this thing between us was headed but it felt nice and I was willing to see where it could go. 

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