Chapter 71

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I heard a light knock on the door and in walked Carson. I'd just sent his brother away now he was here.

"Carson I'm pretty tired," I said.

"I'm sure after what you've been through tonight... but my brother just walked out of here upset and so did your mother. We need to talk," he said.

"Carson now isn't the time," I said.

"Cecilia he loves you"

"Carson please don't start," I said already irritated with where he was trying to take this conversation.

"Cecilia seriously listen to me!" Carson snapped.

I sighed and allowed Carson to speak.

"Fine, say what you need to say," I said.

"Since you two were kids it's always been Cecilia this and Cecilia that. I mean the dude is my brother so I had to hear about you nonstop. I know he screwed up when our mother got sick again then passed away. But Deacon through out his choices and mistakes has never once stopping caring about or loving you. I know you two have talked and I guess agreed to co-parent but Cecilia you are my brother's world... you're home to him. He was coming to LA to get a job just so he could be closer to you and the baby. Even though if he stayed in Atlanta I know his boss would have promoted him with a better position and pay. Cecilia I don't know what you said to your mother but she seemed to be upset when she left out of here.... Look I know you've been through a lot these past couple years but stop pushing away the ones who care about you most and defending the ones who are only out to hurt you," Carson said.

I knew Carson meant well but he wasn't helping the situation.

"He ran into a burning building for you. Give him some credit Cecilia," Carson pleaded.

Just as I opened my mouth to speak the door opened and my father stormed in.

"Carson can you give me a minute alone with my daughter," my father demanded.

"Just think about what I said Cecilia," Carson said before he walked out.

Carson left and my father stood at my bedside looking furious.

"How long have you been in contact with Veronica?" my father asked.

Really? Was that going to be his first question?

"How long were you and mom fucking behind her back!" I countered.

My father's eyes went wide in complete shock of what I'd just said.

"Cecilia I swear it is taking everything in me not to smack you in the mouth right now! I am your damn father! You will not speak to me that way," my father scolded.

"You and mom are hypocrites! I've been cheated on so I can understand the pain Veronica felt when you cheated on her with mom," I said.

"Cecilia that situation was way more complex than you even realize. Veronica was no victim," my father said.

"Maybe she wasn't but that still gave you and mom no right to do what you did," I said.

"Cecilia that woman tried to kill your mother! She was jealous of you and she was cheating on me!" my father snapped.

I was quiet.

"You were so wise in your younger years. You were the one to tell me she was jealous of you and your mother. I confronted her and the things she said about you made me realize she wasn't the woman I thought she was. Cecilia your mother and I don't owe you an explanation about our past or the decisions we've made. As your parents you should respect us and have our back over any stranger. Since you left the house for college you've changed and not in a good way. I don't know what it will take to get you back on track but this version of you is nothing I support. Cecilia I know you've been hurt and I haven't been able to protect you the way I would have hoped. But you are about to become a mother. Which means you have got to get your head out of your ass and start being a real adult," my father said.

My father sat down at my bedside.

"I know Deacon hurt you but most importantly he disappointed you. I have spoken with him and despite his shortcomings I do see that he loves you. He would do anything for you and his unborn child. Him running into a burning building tonight proved that. You don't have to give him a second chance at romance if you don't want to. But you do owe it to my grandchild to let that man be a father. Stop punishing him Cecilia. I think we all know he's been through enough. I also want you to apologize to your mother for what you said. Your mother is the love of my life and she gave me you and your brother. Never will I allow anyone to disrespect her that includes you. I know you had that job opportunity in LA but I think staying in Atlanta would be best for you right now. Although I know you are an adult and will make your own decisions I hope you just stay close to home for now," my father said.

I know my father meant well and maybe I was harsh towards my mother. I guess it was wrong to try to compare their situation to mine.

"I'll apologize to mom," I said.

"As you should," my father said.

"But as for Deacon... dad don't push that subject," I said.

"I will back off of that subject but not back off from telling you to allow that man to be a father. He deserves to be apart of his child's life especially if he wants to be," my father said.

I nodded.

"Well I'll let you get some rest..." my father said.

My father stood up.

He gave me a hug and I hugged him back.

I couldn't lie. I felt overwhelmed and lost in all this.

Just when I think I have my shit together my life spirals out of control.

I have a lot more to learn and a lot more growing to do I guess.

Deacon P.O.V.

I got in Carson's car as we left the hospital.

Cecilia was so frustrating.

I don't know what it will take to get her and I on the same page.

I know saving her tonight wouldn't make her take me back but I thought it would show her just how much she meant to me.

I mean I risked my life for her and my baby and she wasn't the least bit appreciative.

The sad part was that I'd do it all over again in a heart beat for her though because she does truly mean that much to me.

I know I've made some pretty selfish decisions but I truly thought trying to move out to LA was a good idea.

But now I was second-guessing myself.

As much as I wanted to be in my child's life, why was I willing to turn my whole life upside down to chase after Cecilia's dreams.

Cecilia and I are clearly on two different paths here... hell the only thing we seem to have in common right now is our unborn child.

As I sat in my brother's car as he started the engine I'd decided.

"I'm not moving to LA," I said.

Carson looked over at me.

"It is going to kill me to be away from my child but I can't just follow Cecilia around. We both have our own paths to take and I actually like my life in Atlanta," I said honestly.

"I talked to her Deacon... just give her time. She's young and really confused," Carson reasoned.

"That might be so but I can't just sit back and wait for her to figure herself out. Cecilia has let Lance and all his drama derail her plans and career. She still considers him innocent in all this and a friend. As much as I want to be there to protect her... to wake her up. She's going to have to hit rock bottom again and pull herself up out of this mess before she sees who is really in her corner," I said.

It pained me to say that because the last time Cecilia hit rock bottom she got HIV... or maybe it was the cheating/abusive ex husband.... Whatever the case, she wouldn't learn until she was ready. She wouldn't change until she was ready and I just couldn't sit back and wait for her to grow up anymore.

I had to focus on myself and becoming the father I wanted to be for our child.

She would just have to figure her stuff out on her own and hopefully one day we'd be able to meet back on solid ground.  

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