Chapter 40

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I walked into the hotel suite in tears as I was breathing heavily.

I slammed the door behind me and walked right into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of vodka and twisted open the top. I took a long drink from the bottle as I slammed the discharge papers from the hospital on the counter.

I looked at the papers again and took another drink from the bottle.

I'm pregnant!

When I was at the hospital I decided to get myself checked out at the ER while I was there. I was so upset after finding out Josie didn't make it. Then I couldn't deal after my horrible conversation with Deacon.

He's such an asshole and now I have his child growing inside me when I don't want it!

Carson and Alex got to the hospital right after I was discharged. They asked if I was ok and I said yeah. I didn't tell them about checking myself into the ER and finding out I was pregnant.

I told Deacon what I'd do if I turned up pregnant by him and I wasn't just talking... I know what I have to do.

I can't have this baby... I won't have his baby!

I heard a loud knock at the door as I was about to take another drink of vodka.

Who the hell was here!

I didn't feel like seeing anyone.

I walked over to the door as I took another long drink from the bottle.

I opened the door and Lance was there.

I had forgot all about him after all I'd been through tonight.

"Hey," I said as I walked off letting him just come inside.

"Hey... you missed my game... what happened?" he asked.

Yeah I never called him to tell him what happened.

Must have slipped my mind.

I sat down on the couch and drank more vodka.

"Josie's dead... she overdosed. I've been dealing with that since I left your place this morning," I said.

"What? Seriously? Cecilia why didn't you call me?" Lance asked concerned.

Lance came over and sat down beside me.

"Well for starters I don't have your number... second I figured you wouldn't really care considering she is the reason you have HIV," I said as I took another drink.

"Cecilia how much have you drank?" Lance asked as he reached for the bottle.

"I just opened this bottle and have been nursing it like a baby to a bottle of milk," I said as I pulled the bottle away from him.

"Cecilia regardless of my past with Josie it's not like I wanted her dead... I know she was your friend," Lance said.

"Well at least someone is being sympathetic towards me," I slurred.

"Cecilia give me the bottle. You shouldn't be drinking like this when you're so emotional," Lance said as he reached for the bottle.

"No! Get your own," I said as I got up and stumbled.

I nearly fell backwards but Lance got up quickly and caught me.

He sat me down on the couch and snatched the vodka bottle out of my hands.

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