Chapter 50

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of a light knock at my window.

I opened my eyes and realized I had pulled off onto a dirt road to just take a little nap.

I had a long drive ahead of me from Atlanta to Los Angeles.

I think I was only half way to LA at this point.

I turned over and turned my car on. I rolled down the window to acknowledge who had been knocking on my window.

I was expecting to see a police officer but to my surprise it was actually my mother.

"Mom?" I questioned shocked.

I turned my car off and got out.

I saw my mother had a suitcase with her and what looked to be an Uber driver parked behind me was now backing up to leave.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"Technology is such a great thing these days. It's a good thing you are still on our family cell phone plan and that your father had that GPS tracking installed in your car," my mother smiled.

"Does this mean dad is on his way here too?" I said with an eye roll.

The whole point of my road trip was to get away to clear my mind. I didn't expect my parents to come chasing after me.

"Oh your father is back at home thinking long and hard about what to say to you once we return. I let it be known that if he didn't make things right with you Bean he will be in the doghouse for eternity with me," my mother said.

"Mom I know you mean well but I really was just trying to get some space," I said.

"I understand that but I didn't want you feeling like you were in this alone. I'm here to talk or not if you want. But I just couldn't allow you to be by yourself at this time. Cecilia you are pregnant and vulnerable. Leaving you alone at this time in your life wouldn't be wise," my mother reasoned.

"Dad told me to abort the baby," I said sadly.

"Cecilia it is your body so it is your decision," my mother said.

"The problem is I thought in the beginning that is what I wanted. I was just going to abort the baby without a word. But then Lance had me go to an appointment and I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time and saw the first sonogram photo. I kept the photo in my purse. I'm attached to the baby and don't think I can go through with an abortion anymore," I said honestly.

"Well that's ok Bean. You can have this baby and I will be there every step of the way with you," my mother said being supportive.

"I don't know if I want to tell Deacon... ever," I admitted.

"Well you aren't going to have much of a choice about that part. I might have stopped by his place looking for you before I used the GPS tracking. I told him that you're pregnant," my mother admitted.

"Mom why! Why would you do that! You had no right to tell him!" I said upset.

"Bean I didn't know all that happened between you two. Why didn't you tell me the truth behind your break up with Deacon?" my mother asked.

"I was embarrassed. I was also hurt and felt very betrayed. I grew up with him. We'd always been good friends. He acted like I was the girl of his dreams and I was all he ever wanted. He acted like the HIV didn't matter but I think deep down it did. I really loved him mom and he broke my heart ad got with that nurse not even five minutes after I ended things between us. She told me he was going to marry her and wanted kids with her! He knew her all of five minutes and was ready to build a forever with a total stranger over me. I don't know how to get past that or even forgive that," I explained.

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