Chapter 27

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I woke up to the loud noise of a blender being turned on. I woke up suddenly since the noise startled me awake. I rolled over and ended up falling on the floor.

I sat up realizing I had crashed on Josie's couch last night after we went clubbing. I had such a hangover.

Last night was fun. We lived it up.

I danced with a lot of guys and got all my drinks free through out the night. I forgot how freeing it felt to be single.

I got up and walked into the kitchen.

Josie turned off her blender and poured two cups of what looked to be a green smoothie.

"Great you're up," Josie said as she handed me a cup.

"Well yeah I'm up that blender woke me up," I said.

"Sorry I just had a killer headache and needed to make my hangover cure. Trust me... once you drink this your hangover will disappear," she said.

"I sure hope you're right," I said.

I took a sip of the smoothie and it wasn't half bad.

I ended up chugging it right along side Josie.

"So what's on the agenda today?" Josie asked.

"Well I have to head home and shower then change so I can get to work. But we can hang out once I'm off this afternoon," I said.

"Alright that sounds good," Josie said.

I called myself an Uber and had to wait about fifteen minutes before it showed up.

After I got in my Uber I had the driver take me home. When I got home I had to rush and shower then change so I could get to work on time.

When I arrived at the office I rushed inside and headed to my desk. I barely had enough time to put my bag down before my boss asked me to come into her office.

I walked into my boss's office and took a seat. I was nervous. I was hoping I wasn't in trouble.

"Good morning Cecilia," my boss said.

"Good morning," I said nervously.

"I called you in here because I have decided to give you the cover story article that will be printed next mouth. I know you just got your own column in the magazine but this cover story is huge. I think you are the best person to write this article because I have read your pieces and know you have a delicate way of delivering tough news or hitting on sore subjects. I mean that first article you wrote about surviving an abusive relationship when being just a teenager really did well with the readers," my boss said.

I was so excited.

I was writing the cover story article for next mouth!

So many readers would be seeing this article.

"Thank you so much! I don't know what to say," I said.

"Well you will be flown out to our cover star's home today. He lives in Los Angels and get this he's a football star. He's actually the new quarterback for the LA Rams. He wasn't drafted that long ago and isn't much older than you. He has a unique story he wants to share and he chose our platform to share this story," my boss explained.

"What's his name?" I asked.

I didn't know much about sports or anything but I was hoping his name might ring a bell.

"He's name is Lance Witten," my boss said.

The name didn't ring a bell but then again I knew it was a long shot for me to recognize the name since like I said I don't watch sports often.

"Well thanks again for this opportunity. I promise I won't let you down," I said.

"I have high hopes for you Cecilia. I know you will do this article justice. Now you're free to leave for the rest of the day since your flight leaves at two this afternoon," my boss said.

I smiled and thanked my boss one last time before I left her office.

I was so excited that as I left the office I couldn't help but to text Carson and let him know I was headed his way.

Carson lives in Los Angeles so I knew we'd link up once I got there. I mean we have to celebrate this. I'm writing a cover story!

Deacon P.O.V.

I was in my bedroom packing a suitcase real quick. I got a text from my boss that I was being sent to Los Angeles to sit in for an important meeting he couldn't make. I didn't really have to do much but take notes and make my presence known.

I was actually happy to get to go on this business trip. I needed time away from Atlanta. I needed to clear my mind and maybe clear the air with Carson. I mean the last time we saw each other we were brawling in Cecilia's house. I was drunk and jealous. I know he's my bro and wouldn't go after Cecilia but at that time I couldn't think clearly. He deserved an in person apology.

I wasn't going to let him know I was headed his way. I would just surprise him.

"So how long will you be gone?" Tiffany asked as she sat on my bed.

"A couple days at the most," I said.

"I wish I was going with you," she said.

"I do too... I could use the company. But you just hold my house down and make sure Alex doesn't throw any parties while I'm gone," I said.

"Ok I can do that," Tiffany said.

"You gonna need a ride to the airport?" Tiffany asked.

"No my boss has a car picking me up. My flight leaves at four this afternoon," I said.

"Oh well then we have some time," Tiffany said.

Tiffany got up on her knees and crawled over to me.

She leaned up and I leaned down to kiss her.

She moved and I lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around me.

"I'm glad you decided to stick around," I said against her lips.

"Well you asked me to stay and I think you need a woman around the house," she said.

"Hey I have been meaning to ask you... what happens if you get a new client... I mean your job is being a live in nurse for people... what if another family hires you?" I asked.

"Well I called my agency and told them I wanted to take a leave of absence for a few months. I have some savings so I'm good. I'm going to work at this twenty four hour clinic nearby so I can still be here for you," she explained.

"Really you did all that? You didn't have to rearrange your life for me," I said.

"Deacon you need me and trust me it was no problem. I'm happy to rearrange my life for you. We're friends right," she said.

"Well I like to think we're becoming a little more than just friends but yeah," I said.

"Finish packing. I'm gonna go see if Alex wants breakfast," Tiffany said.

"Look at you taking care of us. If Alex doesn't appreciate your cooking I just want you to know I do," I said.

"Well thank you," Tiffany smiled.

I gave Tiffany a quick kiss before she left my bedroom.

I finished up packing for my trip so I'd be ready to go once my car arrived. 

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