Chapter 51

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

"I'm gonna be an uncle!" Carson said excitedly.

I had made it to LA with my mother. We got a hotel suite, which she was currently at resting while I had come over to Carson's condo to see him.

I told Carson about my pregnancy and was showing a photo from my first ultrasound.

"Deacon's going to be a father? Have you told him yet?" Carson asked as he looked at the sonogram.

"My mother told him unfortunately," I said as I put my sonogram photo back in my purse.

"So you two haven't talked about this at all?" Carson said.

"Nope but he left me a message. Here listen to it," I said as I pulled out my phone to play the message Deacon left me.

"Hey Cecilia. I know you hate me right now and you have every right to. Your mom is at my house looking for you. She told me you're pregnant. She also told me what your father said. Cecilia please don't kill our baby. I know I haven't been the man I promised to be for a while now. I know things have been tough between us since I've been going through my own shit. I just need you to know you aren't alone. I got you and our baby. Just call me back and lets talk about this. We made our baby out of love. Our child isn't a mistake Cecilia. Our baby if anything is a miracle and I will get my shit together to be the father that baby deserves. I don't know what the future holds for us but that baby bonds us and that is a bond that can never be broken. I love you Cecilia and I love our baby already. I hope you hear this message before you take away the best gift you could ever give me. You aren't alone..."

After the voicemail played I put my phone back in my bag.

"Well he sounds sincere," Carson said.

"But would he have left that message if he were still fucking with that hoe nurse? I mean him and Tiffany were from what she told me talking marriage and kids. Your brother has claimed to always be in love with me. We were together for two years and never did he seriously propose marriage to me. He might have talked about wanting to be a family and have a baby but he never made serious moves like he did with Tiffany with me," I said sadly.

"Do you still love my brother... take the hurt you feel out of it and be honest with me," Carson said.

I felt my eyes burning, as tears were about to come.

Yes I loved Deacon. I've always cared for him but when I fell in love with my best friend I made myself more vulnerable than I ever had with a man.

Deacon knew everything about me and still broke my heart.

"Yes," I said quietly.

"You should call him," Carson said.

"What for? I don't even know what to say," I said.

"Well you're pregnant with his baby so you two have to talk sometime," Carson said.

"Do we really have to? I mean I can be a single mother and do this on my own. I don't need your brother," I said.

"Cecilia don't do that. Deacon's been an asshole but don't use his child against him. Who knows... maybe having this baby to focus on will get him back on track. Bring him back to reality and back to the person he use to be before he got wrapped up in that other woman," Carson said.

"I might can find a way to co-parent with Deacon but I don't know if I could ever get back with him romantically. He broke my trust," I said.

"Well if friends is all you two can be then so be it. But that baby deserves both it's parents and considering how we were raised I doubt Deacon wants to be anything like our father," Carson said.

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