Chapter 28

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

"Ok these are the best egg rolls I've ever had, hands down," I said.

I was in LA and over at Carson's place. We were catching up. I had to be over at Lance's house around noon tomorrow to interview him for my article.

"I told you they were life changing. I found that Chinese restaurant when I first moved here," Carson said.

"Good wine and good food. What more could a girl ask for," I smiled.

"So how have you been? You and Deacon still broken up?" Carson asked.

"I've been good. Yeah we're still broken up... that's kind of a permanent status for us considering..." I said.

"Look he's an idiot for what he did with that woman. But are you sure you two will never get back together? You mean to tell me you don't still love my brother?" Carson asked.

"I rather not talk about Deacon. My life doesn't revolve around him. Tell me how you're holding up since your mother's funeral," I said.

"I miss her everyday but I've been pushing through. I text with Noah and Alex. We're all just getting through as best we can," Carson said.

"Well you know I'm always here for you," I said as I sipped my wine.

"Yeah I know," he nodded.

"I'm really excited for this article I'm going to be writing, it's a cover story," I said.

"Who are you interviewing again?" Carson asked.

"Lance Witten. Apparently he's the new quarterback for the Rams," I said.

"Oh I think I've seen some of his games from college. There's talk that he'll lead the Rams to a super bowl win," Carson said.

"I wouldn't really know... I'm not all that into sports," I said.

Carson just nodded.

"I gotta use the bathroom. I'll be right back," I said.

I got up and went to use the bathroom.

Tonight was turning out great so far. I was eating good food and catching up with a good friend. So far this LA trip was just the reset I needed.

Deacon P.O.V.

When I got to LA I stopped by my hotel and dropped off my luggage. I texted Tiffany and let her know I arrived safely. She told me everything was fine at home but that Alex was being cold towards her.

After getting settled in my hotel I took an Uber to my brother's condo. It was time that Carson and I talk face to face.

I wasn't as angry as I was that night we fought so I was hoping we could make up and be good again. I didn't really want to be on the outs with him.

When I arrived at his condo I took the elevator up to his floor.

I walked down the hall then knocked on the door as I stood outside.

A few seconds later Carson opened the door.

"Deacon..." he said surprised to see me.

I couldn't tell if he was surprised in a good way or bad...

He looked back the turned back towards me.

"Hey bro... I'm in town for work and thought I should stop by so we could talk," I said.

Outside The Lines (Interracial Romance) [Part 2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora