Chapter 67

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Deacon P.O.V.

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. I wrapped a towel around my waist as my cell phone rang.

I looked at the caller id and saw that it was Cecilia's mother.

I answered quickly.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hi Deacon it's Cecilia's mother. I'm sorry to bother you but I just wanted to know if you've heard from her? She's been in LA a couple days now and hasn't called or texted me and that's not like her. I'm just a little worried," her mother explained.

"Really Cecilia hasn't called you?"

"No not once since she left," her mother said.

That was weird. I mean Cecilia not talking to me wasn't' surprising. I mean yeah we're trying to reconnect for our child's sake but I know she's still hurt over what I did to her. But her not calling her mother was not like her. Cecilia and her mother are so close and she wouldn't just not call her mother.

"I haven't heard from Cecilia but I know she's with Lance. I mean I've tried calling her a few times and he's always answering her phone," I said.

"Lance? You mean that football player whose fiancée was just found dead?" her mother questioned.

"Yeah that's the one," I confirmed.

"Wasn't that girl your mother's nurse... and the girl you cheated on my daughter with?" her mother continued to question.

"Yes ma'am," I admitted.

"Something isn't right. Caleb!" I heard Mrs. Atwood call out.

She was quiet for a second.

"Zoe what is it?" I heard Mr. Atwood ask his wife in the background.

"Deacon hasn't heard from Bean either. I'm telling you my intuition is telling me something is wrong. She's pregnant and doesn't check in with anyone while out of town? That is not like her... also Deacon said she is with that Lance guy whose fiancée was just found dead. You saw the news report," Mrs. Atwood explained sounding slightly panicked.

"You know I have tracking on her phone. I'll see where she is," Mr. Atwood said in the background.

Hearing that Caleb kept a tracking app on Cecilia's phone didn't surprise me. He takes the cake for being an overprotective father.

I can't blame him though. I mean Cecilia's a total snack... fuck it my baby momma is a whole meal. I'll probably be just as overprotective when my daughter's born especially if she comes out looking anything close to her mother.

"I tracked it. She's in Big Bear," Mr. Atwood said.

"Big Bear? What the hell is she doing there?" Mrs. Atwood questioned.

"My guess is as good as yours Zoe," Mr. Atwood said to his wife in the background.

"Mrs. Atwood does your husband have an address. I mean I'm already in LA and I could get my brother and we can go find Cecilia to make sure she's ok," I offered.

"Caleb what's the address? Deacon has offered to go with his brother to find Cecilia," Mrs. Atwood said.

"Let me talk to him," Mr. Atwood said as I assumed he took the phone from his wife.

I walked off to my room and started getting dressed as I left my phone on speaker. I was at my hotel but it wouldn't take me long to call Carson and have him drive us up to Big Bear. If Cecilia's in trouble there is nothing I won't do to protect her and our baby and get them back home safe.

Outside The Lines (Interracial Romance) [Part 2]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu