chapter 47

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Why this man is not looking at the road. When she tried to move away from the mirror view she noticed that she cannot move because of the boy who is hugging her being seen through her intention his lips slightly turned into a smirk. She awkwardly moved her eyes away from the smirking Demon towards the window where she noticed that she came near her destination. Wait how did he know her address. That doesn't matter now. What matters now is, the moment the car stops, she has to be ready to run from here. With hidden determination, she safely removed her arm from luke. Since the boy reached his deep slumber, this time she easily escaped.

In the corner of the eyes, she looked at Damon, when she noticed that he's concentrating on the road, while tightly clutching the phone in her left hands, she lightly wiggled towards the left side car door. she mentally prepared herself to run at any moment.

When the car stopped at her apartment, she immediately tried to open the door handle with the right hand and moved her upper body forward .but in the next moment her nose pumped with the car window, that painful moment she realized that the car is still locked. thank God she just moved, otherwise she'd have broken her nose while rubbing her nose,  With an embarrassed face, she turned towards the culprit, who is now completely turned towards her direction and looking at her with a mocking expression.

En maanam pochu.(all my dignity is gone)
Priya relax.

"Sir can you open the door ", she tried to ask him with an utmost sincere smile.

"Oh ok", he said and opened the lock.

Even though he opened the door, she still felt an ominous feeling.

She said a quick thank you and opened the car door elegantly with hidden nervousness. When she came out, she left a long breath which she has been holding for a long time. While tightly clutching the phone in the left hands, she took the hems of her long dress in her right hand and tried to run towards her house like her life depend on it.

When she just took two steps she heard the sound of footsteps.shit.Since she's wearing high heels she can't able to run, alas she can't even able to walk properly. When she took another two-step, her leg slipped.omg all her dignity is gone today.

Suddenly a big arm caught her waist, in the next second she felt a warm body Enveloping her completely from the backside.she is caught. He chuckled softly near her left ear while hugging her tightly around her waist with both his arms.

"Hmm, sir thank you. Now you can let me go ", she said while trying to break free from him.

"Did you think I caught you to let you go Priya ", he whispered near her ear. His voice directly sends shivers down her whole body.

The next moment her legs left the ground, he carried her in the same position towards his car.

"Sir...what are you doing ?", she wiggled in his arms .her legs are kicking in the air which doesn't affect him at all.

"What did I asked you to call me?", He said while placing her down near his car and releasing from the back hug.

The second she released she immediately tried to run again. Damon easily caught her and turned her so that she's facing towards himself and cornered her in his car.

He pressed himself completely towards her in his car while caging her with his both arms near her face.

Even though Priya felt feelings towards him that doesn't mean he can touch her without her permission.wait did he behave like this with his other secretaries too? Just thinking about it she felt her anger rising.

"Damon let me go. What your doing is harassment. If you don't leave me now I'll report you to police "she said angrily while trying to push him away from her.

He chuckled lightly and took her pushing hands with his own and interlinked their hands together while keeping it near either side of her face.

"At last my feisty kitten said my name "

"Who is kitten. You're the kitten. Your whole family is a kitten. Nope since they are's only you ", she whispered angrily at him. Since it's midnight and also outside she doesn't want to embarrass herself.

"Aww what should I do your so cute ", he said while kissing her nose. 

Looking at her bewildered expression. He proceeded to kiss her soft left cheek lightly. He controlled his uncontrollable urges and overwhelming thirst for her. He has to take it slow.otherwise his kitten will run away from him.

" I really like this birthday present ", he whispered while bending down lightly, he nuzzled her nape at the same time inhaling her light lavender scent deeply.

Priya became stiff by his dog-like behavior.

He continued bringing his nose from her nape towards her beautiful collarbone slowly. His hot breath raised goosebumps to her whole body.

What is this feeling? Why she can't able to push him away? What he's doing is wrong. But she felt herself not resisting his touch. What is happening to her?

"Ahh", she came back from her own world when she felt him sucking in her collarbone harshly.

"Da_Damon "

He moved his lips away from her collarbone and looked at it with a satisfied smile. Why he's so happy?

Then his deep eyes met hers, she felt herself drowning in it.

"Today you look so ravishing ", he said while kissing her forehead.

"So beautiful", he kissed her right cheek.

"So gorgeous", he kissed her left cheek.

Next second he brought his face very close to her, even a single movement will make their lips touch. She held her breath and stood stiffly.

His hands tightened around her hands. She felt like she is completely surrounded by his whole being.his now very hot breath is spraying directly on her mouth.his nose touched hers so slowly and gently.

"So mine ", he whispered and immediately kissed her lips.

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