chapter 73

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Priya and Swetha woke up very early and did their yoga which is the combination of asanas (exercises), breathing exercises, and meditation.

That afternoon they ate only fruits. They kept their stomach empty for eating today's heavy dinner.

At 4 pm, Damon video called priya. He can't wait so see her.

Within two rings the call ended.

Next second, Priya made a voice call to him.

"Priya, What happened? Why did you hang up my call? Are you ok?"

"It's nothing Damon, I'm just changing"


Damon immediately hung up the call and made a video call back to her.

'what the ', Priya again hung up and made a voice call to him.

"Damon", Priya yelled

"Priya, how can you cut your boyfriend's call?"

"I already told you I'm changing then why are you making the video call?"

"I'm just trying to help you"

"Oh, How so?"

"Obviously to give suggestion "

"But I didn't even change. I'm still in a bathrobe "

"Oh", when Damon again tried to hang up the call, Priya shouted

"Damon, if you hang up again I'll definitely switch off my phone "

"You're so mean ", Damon grumbled.

"Fine, are you ready shall I come and pick you up", he continued.

"No Damon, it's alright I'm coming with Swetha"

"Swetha? She also coming ?"

"Damon, I can't leave her alone at home. Anyway, the twins are there she will definitely have fun with them"


"Pleaseeee Damon "

Damon can already imagine her puppy eyes and pouting lips. He's really craving to kiss's already been many days.

" If and only if you promise to wear saree "

"Damonnnnn", priya whined

" priyaaaaaa", Damon copied her tone.

"Alrighty", priya sighed

"Be here at 6, baby. I really miss you "

"Yeah, I too miss you", Priya answered so softly, if not for his good hearing he would have missed it.

"Good", he smiled happily.

"Ok bye "

"Where is my goodbye kiss"

"Ummaa", she immediately gave one loud kiss and hung up.

Damon smiled like an idiot after getting the kiss. He really can't wait to meet his woman.his beautiful saree fairy. he's already ready to pick up her from her house. but now she's saying she's gonna come with her friend.

Bringing her friend is not a problem. But he very much aware of her friend's protectiveness. Last time itself he has seen it clearly. Swetha will definitely be a big hindrance between them.

What to do? He really wants to monopolize her today? He also has an unfinished punishment to complete.

Suddenly Damon smirked evilly. Only one person can stop Swetha.


He immediately dialled his number.

"Damon ", as usual, one-syllable answers.


"What's the matter ?"

"What is the mission timing?"


"Good. Grey, are you busy today "

"Very busy "

"Can you join today's family dinner "


"Do you know who's the guest today"

"Don't care"


There is a long silence on the other end.

"Damon, what is your profit from this?"

"Alone Time with my Priya "

"Fine. When she will be there?"

"Around 6"

The call ended.

Such a heartless fellow he's giving a wonderful opportunity to meet his woman but this idiot is not even thanking him.

Anyway, he's happy .with the presence of grey, Swetha will definitely be busy.

Damon reached his family home at 5:30.

When he went inside, he heard a clumsy light running footsteps.

It seems his family is so eager to welcome him. they must have been waiting for him for a long time.

The twins wearing a similar coat suit outfit approached him.

"Bride "

"Princess ", both shouted at the same time.

But the moment they saw Damon, the twins looked visibly disappointed.

Nope. It seems this welcome is not meant for him.

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