chapter 70

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After speaking with priya till their heart's content, the twins dozed off on the couch itself.

After instructing Benjamin to take them back to their room, Damon went to the dining room to have dinner with his parents.

In a large dining table, James sat in the head position while Damon and Lisa sat on either side.

"dad, where's Nick and Madison", Not seeing them from the moment he came, Damon voiced his doubt.

"Those two are probably doing their project of their third baby ", James sighed.

"J", Lisa warned with a glare.

"What? Whenever they get a chance both are dumping their twins to us and they are romancing in their room", James grumbled.

"James they are young couple in love"

"Then what about us? I too want our own couple time", James complained like a kid.

Lisa and Damon chuckled.

His father would always show his childish side only in front of his family especially to his wife.


After talking with the twins, priya hugged the large fluffy, mr.teddy toy to her chest and rolled in the bed with a pleasant smile on her face.

*ding dong*

Who is it visiting them this late? Priya got up from her bed and walked towards the hall where she saw swetha sprawled on the couch, watching some romance scene in Netflix with a wide mouth.

" Swetha who is it?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's your fiance", Swetha said smugly without taking her eyes off the TV.

Priya scoffed. her best friend is relentlessly teasing her about Damon from the moment she reached home.

When Priya unlocked the door, she saw Adam standing outside with unkept appearance, his usually neat hair is in disarray, his tie is loosened. His usually bright eye is looking dull and he's completely giving a gloomy Aura.

"Adam, what happened? Why are you_"

"Priya, is it true?"


"That you're dating Damon and you're going to marry him soon", Adam asked with anticipation.

"Oh that, yeah. about marriage I'm not sure but yes I'm dating him ", Priya replied her honest opinion.

Even though there is some unknown force or attraction is pulling her towards him, but about marriage, she's not sure of. She didn't know him well. Anyway, there is time, she will gradually decide everything. Something is telling in her heart that he's the one for her.

"When did you started dating him?"

"Today only", Priya laughed awkwardly.

"Priya, you didn't even dated him for one day. How can you accept to marry him just like that"

"Well "

" I also knew from swetha that you didn't date anyone before. You clearly don't know about men"

"Adam, love is not an experiment it's a feeling which I got only for Damon. According to me marriage, it's a promise, a lifetime of promise to love, cherish, being faithful, and accept my man as he is. So don't worry I won't marry anyone just like that"

"A lifetime of promise huh", adam lowly mumbled to himself.

Is he too late? Did he really missed his chance to be with this wonderful woman?  "But, what if he didn't love you as much as you love him", Adam continued to persuade her.

"That promise is not only from me alone it must be from him also. And most importantly I'm not planning to marry yet. Wait, Adam did you came so hurriedly just for asking these questions", Priya asked with a hand on her hip.

"No..I...I ..yeah my parents asked me to invite you and Swetha to dinner on coming Sunday "

"Actually Sunday I have other plans", she smiled warmly remembering the cute bunnies.

Adams's heart pierced seeing that smile. Did that plans involve Damon?

"Then it's Saturday. You have to come, my parents are very eager to meet you", he said and immediately walked away without another word.


Why his back is looking so dejected and lonely?


Location: Chennai, India

" our company's server is being hacked sir", Ramesh reported.

"Someone is investigating our closed cases related to Priya madam sir", Jai, Prithvi's second in command reported.

"Suspicious people are spotted around our company sir"

"From evening onwards our cars are followed by 2  different cars sir "

Prithvi sat crossed leg in his office chair and listened to each and every report of his subordinates with a cold face.

He suddenly laughed. Hearing his laugh, all the people around him felt chill down their back.

"So it's time to start my game"

He dismissed others and started to discuss only with his very trusted aids, Jai, and Ramesh.

If Ramesh is praised for his smartness then Jai can be praised for his strength.

After hearing the whole game idea, both their eyes widened like a saucer, especially Ramesh.

Even in his dreams, Ramesh never would have dared to imagine a man would do so much to attain a woman. It's so creepy.

His whole game plan is an absurd, bullshit mission. If they followed his selfish wish, the person who will be suffering is not only Priya or her lover, it's the whole working class people following this obsessed psycho man.

Ivan Paithiyam mattum illa, naattukkum ,   oorukkum enakkum aabathu .

'This man is not only foolish but also he is very dangerous to the nation, people, and especially to me'

Ramesh felt an ominous feeling.

Ramesh is a dark-skinned, average height, middle-class man. He studied very hard and achieved this better position in life.

In his childhood itself, everyone would make fun of him for his skin color , that time itself he made a vow to himself and to his bully friends.

His vow:
Nalla white girl ah , semma figure ah correct panni kalyanam panni kaattala en Peru Ramesh illada.

'I will definitely love and marry a fair, beautiful girl otherwise  my name is not Ramesh'

Indha loosu bossa follow Panna kandippa namma vaazhkai latchiyam neraveraadhu aana follow pannalana nammalayae gaali panniduvaan.

If he follows this mental boss, definitely he can't fulfill his life goal but if he didn't follow means his boss will definitely finish him.

Ramesh sighed.

"One important thing, I need all my Priya's photo transported properly from my mansion"

Indha ranaglathalayum unakkoru gilugiluppu venuma.

'Even in this worst situation, you need this entertainment', Ramesh lamented.

"Now both of you Disperse"

Next chapter I'll try to update within two days friends.

I need you people's honest opinion about this chapter. It's just I feel little struck here your opinion will help me a great deal to move forward.

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